Moved to Bakala
Tegh Bahadur moved to Bakala after His Father Guru's Ascent at Kiratpur
Sahib, to stay there with His mother and His wife. Bakala was the home
village of His mother Mata Nanaki. He was fully alive to the political
situation in the country and the miserable plight of His country-men. Though
He devoted more time to the contemplation of the Holy Nam of the Wonderful
Lord, he attended fully to the visitors who came to him and also went out
for sport as usual.
took bath in the early hours of the morning, recited the Nam and the Gurbani,
and took meals at regular intervals. He did not become a recluse. Guru Tegh
Bahadur Ji meditated like this at "Bhora Sahib" in Bakala for nearly 26
years before the Divine Spirit of Guru Nanak was transfused into Him by Guru
Hari Krishan Ji from Delhi.