Martyrdom of Matidas, Bhai Dyaldas and Bhai Satidas Ji
great Saint Matidas then handed himself to the executioner. He was to be
bound between two pillars and cut in twain. When the saw was applied to his
head, he calmly and serenely uttered: "Ik Onkar" and started to recite the "Japji"
(Sikh Morning Prayer}. It is said that the body was cut in twain, but the
Japji was all along heard being repeated by him, and it continued to be
repeated till all was over. Thus the first sacrifice was completed. At the
place where Bhai Matidas was executed there now stands in his memory the
famous Fountain of Chadni Chowk, Delhi. The fountain symbolises the blood of
Bhai Matidas which once oozed out from his pliant body.
Bhai Dyal Das and Bhai Sati Das were executed. Bhai Dyal Das's hands and
feet were tied firmly and he was thrown into a cauldron of boiling water.
Not a sign of grief was uttered by this beloved disciple of the Guru. Bhai
Sati Das, who was the younger brother of Mati Das, was ordered to be torn
into pieces, and this cruel order was complied with by the authorities. It
would be of interest to note that Bhai Dyal Das had eleven brothers, all of
whom, except Amar Chand, who died in infancy, died the death of martyrs.
Their names are as follows : 1. Bhai Jetta 2. Bhai Mani Singh 3. Bhai Dan
Singh 4 Bhai Man Singh 5. Bhai Rup Singh 6. Bhai Jagat Singh 7. Bhai Sohan
Chand 8. Bhai Lehna Singh 9. Bhai Rai Singh 10. Bhai Hathi Chand.
Tegh Bahadur was made to watch the martyrdom of His beloved disciples. It
was hoped by the Emperor that this might act as a deterrent, and so the Guru
may decide to embrace Islam, after all. The Guru, on the other hand,
remained unmoved and unconcerned. He was happy that three of His dearest
disciples had played their little part to fulfil the great mission of Guru
Nanak and paved the way for hundreds of the Khalsa martyrs who later
followed their footsteps.