
HARGOBIND ji knew that His youngest son TEGH BAHADUR was to take His Ninth
Form and was to perform the greatest deed and that the time for, the same
had not yet come. As such He wished that the child Guru should be brought up
as a true Sikh and should meditate on the Nam for some time. He selected
Baba Budha jee the blessed priest to act as the tutor to Tegh Bahadur.
at the age of 4:1/2 years Tegh Bahadur was placed under the charge of Baba
Budha jee, the Brahm Gyani (Sikh of the highest order), who had been blessed
by Guru Nanak and had served Him in His six forms. He taught the child Guru
the Gurubani, the Gurmat, Philosophy, Theology, languages like Prakrit,
Persian and Punjabi. Bhai Bidhi Chand taught Him the warfare and made Him
perfect in the use of various types of weapons then in use. About three
years later He received baptism at the hand of His Father - Guru Hargobind
ji, the saint-warrior, and received the holy Nam in the formal manner as a
Sikh. Guru
Tegh Bahadur took part in the battles fought by His Father Guru against
Jehangir and Shahjehan and showed his skill in defeating the enemy. He was
14 at the time. But Guru Hargobind ji ordained that His son should not use
the sword of "Miri" any more since He had to show the miracle of the sword
of "Piri" in due time and He should meditate for a few years and get ready
for that.
