His Arrest at Agra
to Sikh accounts there lived a poor old man, Hasan Ali, at Agra. He knew
that there were orders about Guru's arrest and the person who could effect
his arrest, would receive one thousand rupees as a reward. Hasan Ali
prayed," O true Guru, if ever you want to get arrested, please do it through
me. This will fetch me some money to bring my family out of the clutches of
miserable poverty." The Guru being the searcher of hearts, came to Agra to
get arrested through Hasan Ali.
Guru saw a shepherd boy in the garden whom he gave his gold ring studded
with diamonds and asked him to pledge it and bring him two rupees worth of
sweets. When the boy told him that he had no cloth to wrap the sweets, the
Guru gave him his valuable shawl for that purpose. The boy took his
grandfather, Hasan Ali along with him and stopped at the confectioner's
shop, gave him the ring and asked for sweets to be wrapped in the shawl.
seeing the ring and the valuable shawl, the confectioner was astonished and
asked the boy from whom he had received those articles. The boy told him the
truth but the confectioner became suspicious and took them to the police.
The police went to the garden with the boy and asked the Guru who he was.
When he disclosed his identity, the police officer was delighted that he
would get a large reward from the Emperor for his capture. The Guru was thus
imprisoned. The
Governor of the fort reported the arrest to the Emperor. Ultimately he was
brought to Delhi. There were three Sikhs, Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Dayala and
Bhai Sati Das with the Guru (Some writers account for five Sikhs- Mati Das,
Gurditta, Uda, Chima and Dayala) who were arrested with him and were brought
to Delhi.