Guru Summoned to Delhi
Pandits obeyed the Guru and conveyed the proposal to the Emperor. On hearing
this proposal, the Emperor was very much pleased because he thought that it
was much easier to convert one person than the whole lot.
retorted," If the Guru does not become Musalman, he will then at least show
us a miracle." He was hopeful that once the Guru was converted, there would
be a large accession of Hindu and Sikh converts. The Emperor, therefore,
sent his emissary to the Guru to invite him to Delhi. The Guru received
Emperor's message and wrote in reply that he would come to Delhi after the
rainy season. The
Guru took leave of his family and his devoted Sikhs and began his journey to
Delhi sometimes in June-July. rom Anandpur he passed through Kiratpur, Rupar
and various villages before reaching Saifabad in Patiala state to see his
Muslim friend Saif-ul-din. He stayed for sometimes with him.
became his disciple. He went to Samana where he met another disciple called
Mohammad Bakhsh. The Guru continued his journey through Kaithal, Lakhan
Majra, Rohtak and other places, conferring temporal and spiritual favors on
his disciples, and finally he reached Agra where he encamped in a garden
outside the city.
the rainy season, the Emperor again sent his messenger to hasten the Guru's
presence to Delhi. When the messengers were unable to find the Guru, they
reported that he had fled. Orders were issued all over the empire to find
and arrest him.