Converting Hindus to Islam by Aurangzeb
had started a campaign of converting Hindus to Islam en masse, with the
ultimate objective of converting Dar-al-Harb (land of infidelity) into
Dar-Al-Islam (land of faith). He had been advised by the Qazis to convert
the Brahman priests into Islam, for the rest of the Hindus would
automatically follow their example; owing to the respect that the Brahman
priests enjoyed in the Hindu society.
further point to note is that by a mass conversion of the Brahmans,
Aurangzeb had aimed at uprooting Hinduism root and branch, for under the
traditional Hindu society, knowledge was the confine of the Brahmans, and if
they were converted, then no one could read the ancient scriptures that were
written in Sanskrit. Anyone, who did not wish to embrace Islam, had to pay a
tax called "Jazia" (substitute money for the price of indulgence).
instrument of the policy of putting economic pressure on "non-believers" was
the granting of rewards to the converts, and the offering of posts in the
public service, release from prison, or succession to disputed property, as
a reward for accepting Islam. The temples of the Hindus were desecrated and
destroyed and mosques were constructed on their foundations.
cows that are so sacred to the Hindus were slaughtered in their temples and
their flesh thrown into the wells, from which Hindus were ordered to drink
water. Therefore, it would be no exaggeration to say that Hinduism was on
the verge of extinction.
admirer and a flatterer of the Emperor writes, "On Thursday, the 8th April
1669, occurred an eclipse. The Lord Cherisher of Faith (Aurangzeb) learnt
that in the provinces of Tatta, Multan, and especially Banaras, the Brahman
misbelievers would teach their false books in their established schools and
misguide men. His Majesty, eager to establish Islam, issued orders to the
governors of all the provinces to demolish the schools and temples of the