At Kaamroop (Aasaam)
ji travelled through Bengal. There are many Gurdwaras associated with His
name especially in Dacca (now the capital of Bangladesh, where He had many
devout Sikhs. Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib, accompanied by the Raja of Jaipur
and his Army, reached the right bank of river Brahmputra and encamped at a
place called Rangmati. The King of Assam, Chakradhwaj Singh came to know
that the Mughal Army had come to attack him and annex his territory.
at once became furious and was deter- mined to annihilate the Raja and his
Army; he put his magicians at work. This had not been the first attempt on
the part of the Moghuls to conquer Assam. According to Max. Arthur
Macauliffc, Mirza Raja Man Singh, the grandfather of Raja Ram Singh, had
also tried under the orders of Akbar the Great to annex Assam, and was
killed by the ancestors of Chakradhwaj Singh. Another attempt by Aurangzeb
under the command of Mir Jumla had also miserably failed.
time, however, none of the magic's could do any harm to the Army of the Raja
of Jaipur. Seeing this, Chakradhwaj Singh knew that there must be a
spiritual person amongst the Raja's company. When all efforts had failed, he
made arrangements to divert a tributary of the great river Brahmputra and
turn it on Raja Ram Singh's Army. Guru ji, however, had advised the Raja in
good time to move his Armies away from that spot, thus avoiding any major
casualties. Some
Muslim soldiers, who did not heed the advice of the Guru were swept away by
the tributary according to the plan of the King of Kamarup. Then the King of
Kamarup went to the temple of his family goddess Kamakashi and worshipped
the goddess and sought her aid to overcome the enemy and save the country
from falling into the hands of the aggressor.
the King had finished his prayers, the goddess is stated to have appeared
and said to Chakradhwaj Singh. "O King, Baba Nanak hath taken birth in this
age. On His Throne is now seated the Ninth Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur. He is
here with Raja Ram Singh, who hath become a disciple of His. Nowadays the
Guru is Sovereign. No one hath strength to oppose Him. Go make obeisance to
Him and ask pardon for thy sins and thy rule shall be everlasting; otherwise
it shall perish."
King then arranged an interview with the Guru and made his prostrations
before Him. He told the Guru how the goddess had appeared and what she had
said. He said to Guru Tegh Bahadur ji that his kingdom was at His mercy and
he wished that as a "Defender of the Hindus." He would not let it be annexed
by a ruthless Moghal Emperor. The Guru advised him to have no fears as the
Raja of Jaipur was a very religious man and a Sikh of the Guru. The King
then invited Guru ji and Raja Ram Singh and other Rajput Chiefs to come to
Dhubri and discuss the matter with him peacefully. But he did not wish any
Muslim to enter his territory nor did he want to negotiate with them.
entering Dhubri the Guru made Chakradhwaj Singh and Ram Singh to sit on
either side of Him. Guru ji, then said to them, "Both of you are Kshatrya
princes and it is your duty to fight for the cause of righteousness. But a
Kshatrya should never fight for it selfish motive. If you, Raja Ram Singh,
attack Kamarup, it is certainly the duty of the King to defend his country
from aggression. But your action, O Raja Ram Singh, would neither be
justified nor could it be called righteous. You will be fighting for the
Emperor of Delhi, whom you know would be as pleased if you were killed in
the battle, as if you were to conquer Kamarup.
settle your differences peacefully and not by waging a War." The Guru, then
brought about a reconciliation between the two. Guru ji drove His dagger
into the earth and said. "Let all the land on one side of the dagger belong
to the King of Kamarup and that on the other belong to the Emperor of Delhi.
Both the Princes were impressed by the statesmanship of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji
and bowed to Him in reverence.
Tegh Bahadur ji, then visited the place where Guru Nanak once sat at Dhubri.
The Guru then asked Raja Ram Singh to instruct his soldiers to bring five
shields full of earth each to raise a mound on the spot. The congregation,
then performed the Asa-Di-Var on that mound and the King of Kamrup promised
to erect a temple there in the memory of the Great Guru Nanak and the
present visit of Guru Tegh Bahadur ji.
Guru ji was about to leave Assam, both the King and the Queen came to thank
Him and reluctantly said that they had no heir to the throne. Guru ji at
once said that a son will be born and, touching His ring on the forehead of
the King, said that the child shall also have a similar birthmark on his
forehead. Later, a son was born to the queen. When the child grew up, he was
tying his turban one day when he noticed a strange mark on his forehead.
enquiring from his mother, he came to know of the full story. This was the
famous Raja Ratan Rai of Assam, who presented Guru Gobind Singh ji with a
unique elephant known as "Prashadi." It is said that this elephant was white
in colour and had a black stripe running right across his body - from trunk
to tail. He had brought many other precious presents as well, when he came
to visit Guru Gobind Singh ji at Anandpur Sahib. It was the refusal of Guru
Gobind Singh ji to give away these items to Raja Bhim Chand that led to the
battles of Bhangani in which the Guru defeated the Shivalik Rajas several
times and came out victorious "with the Grace of the Almighty."
was in Dhubri that Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib got the news that a Son had been
born to Him at Patna. Raja Ram Singh was the first to come and congratulate
the Guru. Guru ji bowed towards Palla and said, "The Saviour of the
oppressed has now come. He shall uplift the downtrodden and uproot tyranny
for all times." Alms were distributed to the poor and prayers of
thanks-giving were offered.