9. The Guru, His Son Ram Rai And Mughal Emperor
Emperor, Shah Jahan, kept his eldest son Dara Shikoh near him. He made his
second son, Shujah Mohammad, the governor of Bengal. The third son,
Aurangzeb was appointed governor of Dakhan and Murad Bakhsh received the
province of Gujrat. Their ambition was not satisfied and each one of them
was eagerly seeking to become Emperor, and for that purpose they amassed
wealth and armies in their respective regions.
Shah Jahan became ill and showed no signs of recovery, a war of succession
broke out. Dara Shikoh dispatched Raja Jai Singh against Shujah Mohammad and
sent Raja Jaswant Singh of Jodhpur to Dakhan. Jai Singh defeated Shujah
Mohammad but combined armies of Aurangzeb and Murad forced Jaswant Singh to
retreat. Upon this Aurangzeb prepared to retaliate and tried to seize the
reigns of empire.
Dara proceeded
with great pomp and show to oppose Aurangzeb, and pitched his camp at
Samugarh near the margin of the river Chambal. Aurangzeb soon appeared at
the head of his own and Murad's armies and ensued a determined battle.
Aurangzeb succeeded in capturing Dara's several nobles. Dara himself fled
from the battle field. Aurangzeb came to Agra and imprisoned his father and
his brother Murad, and then proceeded to Delhi. Dara fled towards Lahore.
Muslim saint Mian Mir was Dara's priest from whom he had heard Guru's
praises. Dara's life was saved with the medicine from the Guru. In view of
these circumstances Dara had great regard for him. Since Dara ecame governor
of Punjab, there were healthy relations between the Emperor and the Guru.
Jahan had an order against the Hindu temples while Sikh temples were exempt
from such an order. While Dara Shikoh was on his way to Lahore, the Guru
happened to be in Goindwal. They both met. Many writers give their own
fanciful accounts of the assistance that the Guru gave to Dara. What type of
assistance Dara asked or the Guru gave to Dara, is a big question ?
had all the royal wealth, he had his generals and he had his army of
thousand` and thousand of men. He enlisted twenty thousand men in his army
within days at Lahore. He had everything but he lacked a brave heart to
fight in the battle-field. He fled from the field and ultimately was
captured through a Pathan who betrayed him. He was brought to Delhi and was
executed. Having
made his position secure on the throne of Delhi, Aurangzeb embarked on his
religious crusade against the Hindus. After Dara the enemies of the Guru got
a chance to poison the mind of Aurangzeb that he had rendered assistance to
Dara against him. Upon this Aurangzeb summoned the Guru to his presence in
Delhi. The Guru had vowed not to see the Emperor. Instead he sent his eldest
son Ram Rai to Delhi instructing him to rely on the divine ower of the
Gurus, not in any way recede from the principles of his religion, and in all
his words and actions to fix his thought on God, everything would prove
successful. When
the Emperor was informed that the Guru had not come himself but sent his
son, he thought that if his object in trying the Guru was not fulfilled by
his son, he would send for the Guru himself. It is said that Ram Rai
performed seventy miracles. The Emperor sent him poisoned robes which he
wore but was not hurt. In one interview a sheet of cloth was spread over a
deep well so that Ram Rai when asked to sit, would fall into the well.
sheet did not give way and Ram Rai was miraculously preserved. The Emperor
was shown the sight of Mecca while sitting in Delhi. After seventy such
miracles were shown, Aurangzeb was almost convinced of Ram Rai's powers and
became friendly to him. Then came the last question. The Qazis' asked Ram
Rai," Ram Rai, your Guru Nanak has written against the Muslim religion. In
one place he has said,
'Mitti Musalman ki
peirei paee kumiar; Ghar bhandei itan kia, jaldi
karei pukar.'
(Aasa Mohalla 1, Page 466)
'The ashes of the
Mohammadan fall into the potter's clod; Vessels and bricks are
fashioned from them; they cry out as they burn.'
(Translation of the above)
What is the meaning of this ?"
Rai had won Aurangzeb's respect so much that he perhaps did not want to
displease him and forgot his father's parting injunctions not to recede from
the principles of his religion. So in order to please the Emperor, Ram Rai
replied," Your Majesty, Guru Nanak wrote, 'Mitti beiman ki', that is the
ashes of the faithless, not of the Musalmans, fall into the potter's clod.
The text has been corrupted by ignorant persons and Your Majesty's religion
and mine defamed. The faces of the faithless and not of the Musalmans, shall
be blackened in both worlds." All the Mohammadan priests were pleased with
this reply. The Emperor then conferred a mark of favor on Ram Rai and
dissolved the assembly.
Sikhs of Delhi immediately sent an envoy to Kiratpur and informed the Guru
of the pomp and honor with which Ram Rai had been received in Delhi, and
detailed miracles he had exhibited. The envoy then explained how he had made
an alteration in a line of Guru Nanak in order to please the Emperor. The
Guru was much distressed at the insult and remarked that no mortal could
change the words of Guru Nanak and that 'the mouth which had dared to do so
should never be seen by me.' The Guru decided that Ram Rai was not fit for
Guruship. He confirmed," The Guruship is like a tigress's milk which can
only be contained in a golden cup. Only he who is ready to devote his life
thereto is worthy of it."
Ram Rai had resided in Delhi for some time, he decided to go to Kiratpur and
try to convince his father to reverse his decision regarding him. He pitched
his camp near Kiratpur and wrote to his father for permission to visit him.
He confessed that he had suffered for his sins and desired forgiveness. The
Guru replied,"Ram Rai, you have disobeyed my order and sinned. How can you
aspire to become a holy man? Go whither your fancy leads you. I will never
see you again on account of your infidelity ?".