6. Campaign
against Sikhs
In 1735, the rulers of Lahore attacked and repossessed the estate given to
the Sikhs only two years before. This was intended to check the growth of
the Sikhs. However, it only acted as a further stimulant. Kapoor Singh
decided that the whole of Punjab should be taken over as their estate. This
was endorsed by the Khalsa and all the Sikhs assured him of their full
cooperation in his endeavor for self-rule. The decision was taken against heavy odds. Khan sent roaming squads to hunt
and kill the Sikhs. Orders were issued to all administrators down to the
village level officials to seek Sikhs, murder them, get them arrested, or
report their whereabouts to the government. One year’s wages were offered to
anyone who would murder a Sikh and deliver his head to the police station.
Rewards were also promised to those who helped arrest Sikhs. Persons
providing food or shelter to Sikhs were severely punished. It was a time of unspeakable state violence against the followers of Guru
Nanak. These orders forced the committed Sikhs into hiding. Becoming a Sikhs
was like signing one’s own death warrant. If one of two brothers became a
Sikh, the family presumed they had only one son; the other, they would say,
is “dead.” This was the period when the Sikhs were sawed into pieces, burnt
alive, fed to dogs, their heads crushed with hammers and young children were
pierced with spears before their mothers’ eyes. To keep their morale high,
the Sikhs humorously developed their own high-sounding terminologies and
slogans. For example: Tree leaves boiled for food were called green dish; the parched chick-peas
were almonds; the Babul tree was a rose; a blind man was a brave man;
getting on the back of a buffalo was riding an elephant.
When Mir Manu intensified his attacks for the genocide of the Sikhs, they
responded with the rhyme, “Manu is our sickle, we are his weeds all know.
The more he cuts us the more we grow.”