5. Khalsa for
Nawab Kapoor Singh undertook several measures to secure firm footing for the
Khalsa among the people and to prepare them for self-rule in the Punjab. To
establish internal rules of discipline and mutual understanding, it was
jointly agreed that:
1. All money obtained from anywhere by any
"Jatha" would be deposited in the
Common Khalsa Fund. All provisions for different Jathas regarding their
arms, horses, clothes, etc. would be met out of that fund.
2. The Khalsa would have their common Langar for both the Dals.
3. Every Sikh would respect the orders of his Jathedar. Anyone going
anywhere would get permission from him and report to him on his return.
Preaching by the Budha Dal helped many persons to become Sikhs and many
young Sikhs joined the Dal Khalsa. The membership of the Taruna Dal quickly
increased to more than 12,000 and it soon became difficult to manage the
housing and feeding of such a large number of people at one place. It was,
therefore, decided to have five divisions of the Dal, each to draw rations
from the central stocks and cook it’s own langar. These five divisions were
stationed at five sarovars (sacred pools) around Amritsar, namely Ramsar,
Bibeksar, Lachmansar, Kaulsar and Santokhsar. The divisions later became
known as Misls and their number increased to eleven. Each took over and
ruled a different region of the Punjab. Nawab Kapoor Singh, being the leader of the Khalsa, was assigned another
responsibility by Mata Sundar Kaur, wife of Guru Gobind Singh. She sent him
an emissary along with Jassa Singh Ahluwalia who was then a young boy. Her
instructions were that Jassa Singh was like a son to her and the Nawab
should raise him as an ideal Sikh. Ahluwalia, under the guidance of Kapoor
Singh, was given a good education in Gurbani and thorough training in
managing Sikh affairs. Later, he became the founding Jathedar of the
Ahluwalia Misl and played an important role in leading the Sikhs to