4. Sikhs be friended
The rulers and the commanders lost all hope of defeating the Sikhs through
repression. To develop some other strategy, Khan went to Delhi where it was
decided to befriend the Sikhs and rule in cooperation with them. Accordingly, in 1733 the Delhi rulers withdrew all orders against the
Khalsa. Their torture and killing was stopped. They were permitted to own
houses and lands, and to move freely without any state violence against
them. To cooperate with the Khalsa Panth, and win the goodwill of the
people, the government sent an offer of an estate and Nawabship through a
famous Lahore Sikh, Sardar Subeg Singh. This offer was accepted and this
honor was bestowed on Kapoor Singh. During this truce, Kapoor Singh guided the Sikhs in strengthening themselves
and preaching Gurmat to the people. He knew that peace would be short lived.
As a strategy for the future, regular communication links were developed
among Sikhs to unite them. They were encouraged to freely visit their
Gurdwaras and meet their relatives in the villages. Sikhs, thus, were able
to create strong ties among themselves and with the general population. Khalsa reorganized itself into two divisions: Sikhs above the age of forty
years were named Budha Dal while the younger generation formed Taruna Dal,
which provided the main fighting force. Budha Dal had the responsibility of
the management of the Gurdwaras and Gurmat preaching. They were to keep
track of the movements of the government forces to plan their defense
strategies. They also provided a reserve fighting force for the Taruna Dal.