Sikhs get Organized
Sardar Kapoor Singh was one of the thousands of Sikhs who were attracted to
the Khalsa Panth after the sacrifice of Bhai Tara Singh of the village of
Van, in 1726. The murder of this devoted Sikh, popular both with Muslims and
Hindus, forced the Sikhs to unite and organize themselves to respond to
state repression against them. The Khalsa held a meeting to make plans for future actions. They decided to
appropriate government money and weapons in order to weaken the
administration, and to equip themselves to face the everyday attacks. Kapoor
Singh was assigned to plan and execute these projects. Information was
obtained that money was being transported from Multan to the Lahore
treasury. The Khalsa then came like hawks from nowhere, looted the money,
took over the arms and horses of the guards, and vanished in moments,
leaving the guards stunned. In another raid, they took over the revenues of
the Kasoor estate. A third foray, against a caravan from Afghanistan,
resulted in capturing numerous arms and horses, so important to them in
their fight against state forces. Some war supplies were being taken from
Afghanistan to Delhi. When Kapoor Singh learned of it, he organized an
attack to capture them. In another attack, the Khalsa recovered gold and
silver which was intended to be carried to Delhi. The able leadership of Jathedar Darbara Singh and Sardar Kapoor Singh
strengthened the Khalsa and provided them with the confidence and the
strength to destroy the foreign tyrants and establish self rule. The looting of the government treasury created a panic in Lahore. The
governor approached the Emperor in Delhi for help. He sent a strong army to
search for the Sikhs and kill them, but the Sikhs hid in the forests and
sedges near the river beds, not easily approachable by the army. Finding no
Sikhs around, the government falsely announced in each village with the beat
of a drum, that all Sikhs had been eliminated. This met with little success.
People knew the truth and did not stop supporting the Khalsa who were spread
all over the area. The Sikhs did not face the army directly, but adopted
guerilla warfare tactics which suited their small numbers. Once, while
coming to Amritsar, Sardar Kapoor Singh and his contingent met, by chance,
the roaming squads of the army near Ropar. In the ensuing skirmish the Sikhs
prevailed and won the day.