2. Physical courage
Kapur Singh's physical courage and warlike spirit were valuable qualities in
those days of high adventure. He soon gained a position of eminence among
his people who were then engaged in a desperate struggle against the Mughal
government. Zakariya Khan, Who became the governor of Lahore in 1726,
launched a still severer policy against the Sikhs and let loose terror upon
them. Kapur singh headed a band of warriors who, with a view to paralyzing the
administration and obtaining food for their companions forced to seek
shelter in remote hills and forests, attacked government treasuries and
caravans moving from one place to another. Such was the effect that the
governor was soon obliged to make terms with them. In 1733, the Mughal government decided, at the instance of Zakariya Khan, to
lift the quarantine forced upon the Sikhs and made an offer of a grant to
them. Offering their leader a title of Nawab and a jagir consisting of
paraganahs of Dipalpur, Kanganval and Jhabal. After some mutual discussion Sikhs accepted the offer. All eyes centered on
him and he was, with one accord, selected for the honor of Nawab. Kapur
Singh was reluctant, but he could not deny the unanimous will of the panth.
As a mark of respect, he placed the robe of honor sent by the Mughals at the
feet of five revered Sikhs- Bhai Hari Singh Hazuria, Baba Dip Singh Shaheed,
Sardar Jassa Singh Ramgarhia, Bhai Karam Singh, Bhai Budha Singh,
great-great-grandfather of Maharaja Ranjit Singh- before putting it on. The
dress included a shawl, a turban, a jeweled plume, a pair of gold bangles, a
necklace, a row of pearls, a brocade garment and a sword. Nawab Kapur Singh looked magnificent in this regalia. But he had lost none
of his native humility. The first request he made to his comrades after the
investiture was that he should not be deprived of his old privilege of
serving in the community kitchen (Langar). Here Emperor Akbar is seen eating at the community kitchen of Fourth Guru,
Guru Ramdas ji. Word was send round to Sikhs passing their days in distant jungles and
deserts that peace had been made with the government and that they could
return to their homes. Nawab Kapur Singh undertook to consolidate the
disintegrated fabric of the Sikh organization. The whole body of the khalsas
was formed into two sections--- Budha Dal, the army of the veterans, and
Taruna Dal, the army of the young. The former was entrusted with the task of
looking after the holy places, preaching the Gurus word and inducting
converts into the Khalsa panth by holding Baptismal ceremonies. The Taruna
Dal was the more active division and its function was to fight in times of