6. Award of an
In 1733, Zakaria Khan, the Governor of Punjab, having failed to subdue
the Sikhs, decided to befriend them. He needed their help to protect
himself from the Afghan invader, Nadir Shah. He offered the Sikhs an
estate and a royal robe. The Sikhs accepted it. Sardar Jassa Singh and
his father joined the Sikhs to fight against Nadir Shah. The father died
in battle. Zakaria Khan gave five villages to his
sons in reward for his bravery. Village Vallah was awarded to Sardar
Jassa Singh, where he gained the administrative experience required to
become a leader, Jathedar, of the Sikhs. During this period of peace
with the government, the Sikh Jathedars had become quite strong and
built their fort, Ram Rauni, in Amritsar.