4. Khalsa as Rulers
In May 1757, the Afghan General Jahan Khan attacked Amritsar with a huge
army. The Sikhs were not prepared to face the army at that time. Therefore,
they decided to withdraw to the forests. Their fort, Ram Rauni, was
demolished. Harimandar Sahib was blown up, and the army desecrated the
Sarovar by filling it with debris and dead animals. Baba Deep Singh Shaheed
made history when he attacked Jahan Khan to recover Amritsar from army
control. Fatally wounded, Baba Ji cut through the army column to reach the
Harimandir Sahib. Some unexpected developments took place in the state which proved favorable
for the Sikhs. Adina Beg did not pay revenues to the government. The
Governor dismissed him and appointed a new Faujdar in his place. The army
was sent to arrest him and this prompted Adina to request Sikh help. The
Sikhs took advantage of the situation and to weaken the government, they
fought against the army. One of the commanders was killed by the Sikhs and
the other deserted. Later, the Sikhs attacked Jallandar and thus became the
rulers of all the tracts between Satlej and Beas rivers, called Doaba. This
raised the political status of the Khalsa. Instead of roaming in the
forests, now they were ruling the cities. After this, the Sikhs started bringing more areas under their control and
realizing revenue from them. In 1758, joined by the Marhattas, they
conquered even Lahore and arrested many Afghan soldiers who were responsible
for filling the Amrit Sarovar with debris a few months earlier. They were
brought to Amritsar and made to clean the Sarovar. After the cleaning of the
Sarovar, the soldiers were allowed to go home with a warning that they
should not do that again – which was a novel and humane punishment, all
things considered. Abdali came again in October 1759 to loot Delhi. The Sikhs gave him a good
fight and killed more than 2,000 of his soldiers. Instead of getting
involved with the Sikhs, he made a rapid advance to Delhi. This meant that
the Khalsa were considered a formidable power in the Punjab. They decided to
collect revenues from Lahore to prove to the people that the Sikhs were the
rulers of the state. The Governor of Lahore knew that he could not face the
Sikhs, so he closed the gates of the city and did not come out to fight
against them. The Sikhs laid siege to the city. After a week, the Governor
agreed to pay 30,000 rupees to the Sikhs.