6. His Work
The Sikhs often passing through a series of vicissitudes, first establish
themselves as a political power in the Punjab in 1765 A.D. But their mode of
fighting then was desultory and hardly suited to the requirements of a
well-settled state, However Maharaja Ranjit Singh 'Built up a strong ,
centralized and effectively controlled military system by amalgamating the
best elements in foreign with best elements found in the indigenous fighting
mechanisms. Hari Singh Nalua's significant military campaign was that of
Kasur, the so called 'mythological rival of Lahore', in 1807 A.D. Hari Singh
Nalua along with Sardar Jodh Singh Ramgarhia, Sardar Nihal Singh Attari,
Baba Akali Phula Singh, Fateh Singh Ahluwalia, Dhanna Singh Malwai, and
Sardar Fateh Singh Kalianwala marched on to Kasur to subjugate its Afghani
owner Kutab-ud-din Khan. Sikhs laid siege for three months after which
Kutab-ud-din Khan surrendered. Hari Singh Nalua, of course, was the first to
march inside the city gate of Kasur with his division called
'Sher-Dil-Rajman.' The troops under him caught Kutab-Ud-Din alive and
presented him before Maharaja Ranjit Singh. Maharaja Ranjit Singh made him
retire to a territory of Mamdot as a jagir, subject to his supplying 100
horsemen for service when required.