18. Recapture the Peshawar
In 1827, Sayed Ahmad Bareli who claimed himself to be the messenger of
Prophet Mohammad inspired the tribesmen by fervent appeals to recover their
territory from the "kafir" or "Infidel" kingdom of Lahore. Yar Mohammad Khan
also joined these crusaders. These forces captured the Peshawar. Maharaja
Ranjit Singh sent Hari Singh Nalua to recapture the Peshawar as well as
major parts around khyber pass. Sardar Hari Singh Nalua gave blow to the
rising power of Syed Ahmad Bareli Griffin states that when Sayed Ahmad
roused all the fanatic power of Yusafzais for a holy war against Sikhs and
was joined by the Barkazi chief of Peshawar, Sardar Hari Singh Nalua with
his 25,000 men prevented Syed Ahmad from crossing Indus. Then Lahore troops
crossed Indus and invaded Peshawar, Syed Ahmad and his crusaders were
butchered. Hari Singh gave Sayed a great setback. Peshawar was pillaged,
Palaces were destroyed, tribute of Peshawar was increased and the son of Yar
Mohammad Khan was carried away by Hari Singh as hostage. Then again, in
1830, Maharaja had to sent Prince Sher Singh to Peshawar to get tribute from
Sayed Ahmad which was paid.