Guru Ram Das on Benifits of Reciting God's Name
Fourth Mehl: Join the Sat Sangat, the Lord's True Congregation; joining the
Company of the Holy, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. With the
sparkling jewel of spiritual wisdom, the heart is illumined, and ignorance
is dispelled. ||1|| O humble servant of the Lord, let your dancing
be meditation on the Lord, Har, Har. If only I cold meet such Saints, O my
Siblings of Destiny; I would wash the feet of such servants. ||1||Pause|| Meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, O
my mind; night and day, center your consciousness on the Lord. You shall
have the fruits of your desires, and you shall never feel hunger again.
||2|| The Infinite Lord Himself is the Creator; the
Lord Himself speaks, and causes us to speak. The Saints are good, who are
pleasing to Your Will; their honor is approved by You. ||3|| Nanak is not satisfied by chanting the Lord's
Glorious Praises; the more he chants them, the more he is at peace. The Lord
Himself has bestowed the treasure of devotional love; His customers purchase
virtues, and carry them home. ||4||11||63||.