Guru Sahib on Jogis
may pluck the strings with your hand, O Yogi, but your playing of the harp
is in vain. Under Guru's Instruction, chant the Glorious Praises of the
Lord, O Yogi, and this mind of yours shall be imbued with the Lord's Love.
||1|| O Yogi, give your intellect the Teachings of
the Lord. The Lord, the One Lord, is pervading throughout all the ages; I
humbly bow down to Him. ||1||Pause|| You sing in so many Ragas and harmonies, and
you talk so much, but this mind of yours is only playing a game. You work
the well and irrigate the fields, but the oxen have already left to graze in
the jungle. ||2|| In the field of the body, plant the Lord's
Name, and the Lord will sprout there, like a lush green field. O mortal,
hook up your unstable mind like an ox, and irrigate your fields with the
Lord's Name, through the Guru's Teachings. ||3|| The Yogis, the wandering Jangams, and all the
world is Yours, O Lord. According to the wisdom which You give them, so do
they follow their ways. O Lord God of servant Nanak, O Inner-knower,
Searcher of hearts, please link my mind to You. ||4||9||61||.