8. Battle of Nirmoh
Chand in spite of the defeat of the allied forces, determined to oust the
Guru. He sent an envoy to the Emperor's viceroy in Sirhind and another envoy
to the viceroy of Delhi to complain against the Sikhs and sought their help
to assist the hill chiefs in destroying the Guru's power and expelling him
from Anandpur. Accordingly the imperial forces were directed to assist the
hill chiefs. At
the same time to save their faces, the hill chiefs pro posed to the Guru
through Pamma Brahman, thatthey would be friends with him for ever only if
he left Anandpur for a while and come back later. The Guru agreed to the
proposal and left for Nirmoh, a village situated about a mile from Kiratpur.
he reached Nirmoh, Raja Ajmer Chand and Raja of Kangra both thought that
since he was now in the open and he had no fort around him for protection,
it would be better to launch an attack. They attacked the Guru's army
without even waiting for the arrival of the imperial army. A fierce battle
ensued in which the Sikhs were ultimately victorious.
afternoon as the Guru was sitting in his open court, the hill chiefs engaged
a Mohammadan gunner to kill him for an adequate remuneration. The gunner
fired a cannon ball which missed the Guru but took away the life of Sikh who
was fanning im. The Guru picked up his bow and shot an arrow which killed
the gunner and with another arrow killed his brother ho was assisting him.
On seeing this the hill men quit fighting. The two Mohammadans were buried
on the spot called Siyah Tibbi or the black hill and a Gurdwara was erected
by the Sikhs to commemorate Guru's escape from the bullet.
army of Wazir Khan, the viceroy of Sirhind, arrived in due time. The Guru
found himself in a verydangerous position between the hill Rajas on one
hand, and the imperial army on the other. But he resolved to defend himself
in whatever way it was and his Sikhs stood faithfully and valiantly by him.
Wazir Khan gave an order to his troops to make a sudden rush and seize the
Guru. The
Guru was successfully protected by his son Ajit Singh and his other brave
warriors. They stopped the advance of the imperial forces and cut them down
in rows. The carnage continued until night. Next day the imperial army and
the hill chiefs made a furious assault when the Guru decided on retiring to
Basoli whose Raja had frequently invited him to his capital.
the Guru's army reached the river Satluj, fierce fighting continued in which
brave Sahib Singh was slain. Bitting his thumb Wazir Khan admitted that he
had never before witnessed such desperate fighting. The Guru with his troops
crossed over the river and reached Basoli. The hill chiefs were overjoyed
and presented elephants to Wazir Khan and departed to their homes. Wazir
Khan returned to Sirhind. This battle was fought at the end of 1701.
Singh and Ude Singh requested the Guru to return to Anandpur. After staying
a few days at Basoli, he marched back to Anandpur and the inhabitants of the
city were delighted to see him again among them.Finding the uru again firmly
established at Anandpur, Raja Ajmer Chand thought it most wise to pursue for
peace. The Guru told Ajmer Chand that he was willing to come to terms with
him, but he would punish him if he were again found guilty of treachery.
Ajmer Chand was glad to find peace with the Guru and he sent his family
priest with presents to him. The other hill Rajas also followed Ajmer
Chand's example and made good relations with the Guru.
this the Guru went to Malwa for the propagation of his mission. In January
1703 he went to a fair held at Kurukshetra on the occasion of a solar
eclipse in order to purchase horses to replace those which were killed or
stolen in previous warfare. The custom of sale and barter of horses and
other animals at religious fairs was prevalent even during the time of the
Guru. Two
Mohammadan generals, Saiyad Beg and Alif Khan, were on their way from Lahore
to Delhi. Raja Ajmer Chand who also went to Kurukshetra along with other
hill chiefs, thought to secure their assistance. He promised the generals
large remuneration if they attacked the Guru. Instead on hearing favorable
accounts of the Guru, Saiyad Beg withdrew his army, and when the battle
ensued at Chamkaur between the Guru's and Alif Khan's troops, he joined the
Guru's forces. Upon
this Alif Khan retired from the contest thinking that he had no chance for
victory. The Guru returned to Anandpur. Saiyad Beg threw his lot with him
and accompanied him to Anandpur, and remained with him as a trustworthy and
powerful ally. After
two years of peace, the old hostilities reappeared. The reasons being, the
increasing prestige of the Guru and the clashes as a result between the hill
Rajas and the Sikhs.