Sakhi King Janak : How To Meditate
was once a great sage and his disciple. The sage send this disciple to the
court of King Janak to learn how to meditate. The disciple did not want to
go. Here he was, a Brahmin, a monk who had renounced the world. What could a
King who was only a Kshatriya teach him. But since the master had ordered
him he went. When he reached the court of the King, he saw the King living a
very luxurious lifestyle. He was disgusted; a great condemnation arose in
him. What
could such a person have to teach a monk. He bowed to the king. King Janak
saw his mental state and said that if he wanted he "the monk" could return
the very next day. On this condition the monk agreed to stay the night. King
Janak took every care of the monks needs. After having him fed and washed he
personally escorted the monk to the bedroom where he was to spend the night.
As can be expected the bedroom was luxurious and comfortable. The monk got
into bed and tried to sleep. Just then he saw hanging above him a sword
suspended from above from a thin thread. The slightest touch of breeze and
the sword could fall injuring or even killing him.
monk spent the entire night in a state of fear and extreme alertness since
he knew that if he stopped being watchful for even a moment he might lose
his life. The next morning King Janak asked the monk if he had spent a
comfortable night. The monk grew indignant and asked what was the meaning of
having him sleep under a naked sward. He said that he had not slept the
whole night despite being very tired from his long journey.
Janak replied that this was exactly the lesson on how to meditate that he
had wanted the monk to learn. The monk had to be alert and aware the whole
night. It was a matter of life and death to him. This was the teaching of
King Janak. King Janak said that despite living in luxury and all else he
remained aware of the sword hanging over his head. The sword was invisible,
but it was very real. It was his own impending death. Since King Janak kept
the awareness of death in his mind, he was able to stay detached from his
luxurious lifestyle. He knew that it could end any moment; that in fact it
would inevitably end one day. In this manner he lived in the palace and yet
was a hermit.
is exactly the attitude to be brought when we are learning how to meditate
or to life itself. You can remain unaware if you think that you will live
forever. But how can you be unaware when you know that life can end any
moment. You will be constantly aware and on your guard.
for sure that death will come; whatever is seen is false. So chant the Kirtan of the Lord's
Praises in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; this alone shall go along
with you in the end.
Shri Guru
Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 1360