Sakhi Guru Nanak and Kaljug Pandit
incident took place in 1510 (during Guru Nanak Sahib jis first preaching
odyssey - Udasi). A Brahmin named 'Kalyug' had made his abode there. He was
a learned man beside being very rich. Many pilgrims were his followers and
often stayed in his Dera (Camp). This Pandit was swindling the gullible
people who were not aware of what the true religion was. Many rich persons
who visited him were more interested in knowing about their future life or
the life hereafter. They would feel happy listening to good and favourable
stories about themselves. Pleased with such fables, they would make handsome
offerings to him.
Jagannath Puri, where Satguru ji condemned the ritualistic. Aarti (A form of
prayer in temples), he also unmasked the deeds of 'Kalyug' pandit. Kalyug
Pandit was sitting in meditative mood while many devotees were surrounding
him. He had a small pitcher (jug) like metallic container placed in his
front in which the pilgrims were putting their offerings. He would close his
eyes for sometime and open them again. Sometimes he would close one of his
nostrils, either right or left with his hand. Then he would suddenly declare
that he is seeing Vishnu Bhagwan in the heaven.
he would claim an audience with other gods and his visits to Brahmpuri
(Abode of Brahma) and Shivpuri (Abode of Shivji). The devotees were
listening to all his claims with rapt silence and expected that soon he
would take them to the divine trip too. He then asked all those present to
shut their eyes and perceive the heaven in their minds, and he would help
them see it.
all those present there closed their eyes, Guru ji signalled Bhai Mardana to
pick up the small pitcher like container from his front and hide it behind
him in a bush. When the ' Panda ' opened his eyes, he did not see the
container in his front. He was beside himself with rage and started shouting
loudly and asking who had taken his small container. "Don't crack jokes with
the Saints. We don't crave for money... etc.", he said. The pilgrims in his
attendance were also surprised. Hearing his shouts, many more people
gathered around.
ji stepped forward and said, "Pandit ji, you were able to see Brahmpuri,
Shivpuri and Vishnupuri, why don't you look around in this Universe ? You
may be able to locate where the container is lying". Hearing these remarks
the 'Panda' vexed still more. Some present also said, "Pandit ji, you were
seeing the divine abode but now you can't find your small pitcher. How could
it be ?" People understood the deceit of the Pandit.
ji well disclosed his beguile and advised people that those who sit in
meditative postures, closing their eyes, nose and ears were not to be
trusted. They were like herons who stood still on one leg in the water to
pounce upon at fish and frogs. Here was that 'Pandit' who could see the
divine abodes but could not spot his money container lying behind him. Guru
ji further explained that these were the tricks used by the imposters to
swindle people of their hard earned money. Satguru ji explained to all the
pilgrims that remembering God is the right path of this life. All other
ritualistic actions are not worship but acts of impressing people.
Panda was highly impressed by the personality of Guru ji and his sermons. He
requested Guru ji to honour him with his stay in his abode. Guru ji agreed
and during this period apprised him with the true path.
Dhanaasaree, First Mehla, Third House
Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: No,
no, this is not the time, when people know the way to Yoga and Truth. The
holy places of worship in the world are polluted, and so the world is
drowning. ||1|| In
this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Lord's Name is the most sublime. Some
people try to deceive the world by closing their eyes and holding their
nostrils closed. ||1||Pause|| They
close off their nostrils with their fingers, and claim to see the three
worlds. But
they cannot even see what is behind them. What a strange lotus pose this is! ||2|| The
K'shatriyas have abandoned their religion, and have adopted a foreign
language. The
whole world has been reduced to the same social status; the state of
righteousness and Dharma has been lost. ||3|| They
analyze eight chapters of (Panini's) grammar and the Puraanas. They study the
Vedas, but without the Lord's Name, no one is liberated; so says Nanak, the Lord's
slave. ||4||1||6||8||
Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 662
holymen and religious leaders of today are no different than the Pandit
described above. These people have adopted the Sikh externalities and have
initiated many false hoods in the name of religion and are leading a
luxurious life under its cover. Barring a few, most of our preachers and
self appointed saints are duping the people and collecting money/wealth from
them through deceitful means. With Gurbani available to the Sikhs, no
Sikh should fall in their trap. It is the duty of all the Sikhs to
remember the advise of the Guru given in this hymn and keep themselves away
from the impostors and cheaters.