Sakhi Bhai Lehna to Guru Angad
are many sakhis (stories) about the obedience of Bhai Lehna ji, telling us
how he gave up his ego and followed the path shown by the Guru. He was never
reluctant to do what the Guru wanted the Sikhs, the disciples, to do. The
sakhis given below tell us about the sincere love and commitment of Bhai
Lehna for the Guru.
who performs selfless service, without thought of reward, shall attain his Lord
and Master. Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 286
Once an unusual congregation of devotees assembled at Kartarpur, where
ceaseless rain continued for three days. Guru ji looked towards his sons
Baba Sri Chand and Lakhmi Das and said, "O dear sons! Ration is exausted,
devotees are to be served. Climb up the acacia (Kikar) Tree and shake it up,
so that the eatables drop for the serving". Both the sons laughed away the
idea and refused to carry out the command. To comply the wishes of his
divine master, Bhai Lehna at once climbed and shook the tree. And lo behold!
The eatables started dropping in plenty.
One day while working in the rice fields, some grass growing in the crop was
removed. It was to be fed to the animals in the house. The Guru asked his
sons, Bhai Sri Chand and Bhai Lakhmi Chand to carry the bundle home. They
declined to do that because the muddy water dripping from the wet roots of
the grass would spoil their clothes. When the Guru looked towards Bhai Lehna,
he immediately picked up the bundle of grass and brought it home. As they
entered the house, the Guru's wife said with great concern: "Sire! See how
his fine clothes are stained with mud!" Guru Nanak looked back and said,
"Mud! Seest thou not, good lady ! He bears the burden of suffering humanity.
They are not mud stains, they are the sacred saffron-anointing's ! The
Heaven anoints him, he is a Guru."
Once Guru Nanak Dev was taking a bath and while doing so, the cup he used
for pouring water on his body slipped and rolled into a pit containing dirty
water. When asked to take out the cup, the sons of the Guru advised him to
get that dirty job done by someone else. Bhai Lehna, however, did not mind
at all. He put his hand in the dirty water, took out the cup, cleaned it and
handed it over to the Guru. The thorough destruction of his ego and his
complete obedience to the Guru made Bhai Lehna suitable to be chosen as the
second Nanak. Before leaving for heavenly abode, Guru Nanak Dev passed on
the responsibility of the guruship to Bhai Lehna Guru Nanak then blessed
Lehna with his ang (hand) and gave him a new name, Angad, saying "you are a
part of my body"
Himself is True, and everything is True; this
is revealed through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. He
alone serves You, whom You have enjoined to do so.
Without serving Him, no one finds Him; in
duality and doubt, they are ruined. ||3|| How
could we forget Him from our minds ? The
gifts which he bestows increase day by day. Soul
and body, all belong to Him; He infused the breath into us. If he
shows His Mercy, then we serve Him;
serving Him, we merge in Truth. ||4||
Shri Guru
Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 1011