Sakhi Bhagat Sain and the King
Kabir, Trilochan, Sadhna, Sain-all are saved. Saith
Ravidas ; Listen ! devotees of God! All
within the Lord's power lies.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib
ji, Ang. 1106
Bhagat Kabir ji, who enjoyed great name and fame, another person from the
so-called low castes to rise to spiritual heights was Bhagat Sain, a Naaie
(barber) by profession. He used to remain absorbed in Divine Name at night
and visit early morning to the royal palace to massage the king's body so as
to cure it of various physical maladies. One
day he had some guests (Sangat) and he remained occupied all the night in
Kirtan and singing of Divine eulogy. Thus in serving the saints and the
Sangat he did not realize what time it was and missed his duty at the palace
to serve the king. Realizing the intensity of his love for the saints and
the Sangat, God Himself adopted Sain's form and went over to the palace and
served the king. Consequently, the malady of the king was cured. On the
other hand Bhagat Sain, after he got free from his guests, went to the king
with utter humility so as to seek forgiveness for his absence.
king saw from afar Sain approaching, and calling him to his presence the
king removed his cloak and put it on him as a token of his pleasure. He
further told Sain that the way he massaged him this morning had really
captivated him. All his ailments have vanished. B hagat Sain realized
exactly what had happened and thanked God. In this way God Himself
intervened to prove the greatness of his devotee.
devotees, tasks has the Lord Himself undertaken to fulfil; These
Himself has the Lord come to accomplish
Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 783
the king heard from Sain's own lips the account of his absence, he thought
very highly of the spiritual greatness of the saint. He was so impressed
that he, along with his family, became disciples of Bhagat Sain.
the barber, the village drudge, became famous in each and every house. The
Supreme Lord God dwelled in his heart, and he was counted among the
devotees. ||3||
Gurus also felt it proper that a person's status should not be determined
from one's profession or from the family in which he was born. Rather his
deeds should determine his status in society. Any profession is pious if it
is marked by honesty and righteousness. R eferring to the incident related
above, Bhai Gurdas says.
Learning of the name earned by Kabir,
Another Sikh, who came on the scene was Sain, the barber. He
performed loving devotion at night and
went to the king's court in the morn. Once
many saint-guests came and
Kirtan went on all the night. He
could not leave his saint guests, and
thus tailed to do duty at the king's. Lord
Himself took Sain's form and
entertained the king. After
bidding farewell to all his guests, Sain
reached the king with diffidence. The
king called him from afar, and
summoning near bestowed robes. You
have captivated me, said
the king and numberless people heard this. Lord
Himself bestows honour on His devotees.