Sakhi The way of the Khalsa (Sant-sipaahi)
There is a Sakhi (historic event)
about a great Sant-Sipahee.(Saint-Soldier).. he truly had attained one-ness
with Waheguru ji and had mastered weaponary too. In the battlefield he
fought for justice. His opponent had been overpowered and lay on his back on
the floor. The Sant-sipahee was about to destroy the sinner by plunging the
sword of Akal into his chest, when the opponent spat in the Sant-Sipahee's
face. The Sant-Sipahee's blood boiled,
rage and fury burned him for a moment, he raised his sword with new
fervour.but stopped the sword in mid-swing !. The enemy was shocked,
expecting to be dead, he grunted 'Kill Me Sikh, you have beaten me'. The
Sant-Sipahee replied,
'Before I was fighting for justice, against the evil actions of your army,
destroying you was destroying injustice. When
you spat in my face I wanted to kill you because you insulted ME. I was
going to
kill you out of ANGER AND HATE which would have been wrong and against the
principle of Sikhi/Khalsa.
I would have to have been reborn
because of that, so I have spared you'. The enemy soldier was so incredibly
amazed at the Khalsa soldier, that within a few months he left his troops
and joined the Khalsa.
Criticise and Punish the Actions, Love the Person.....It's a hard path to
follow …. finer than a hair and sharper than a sword .Gurbani :
where there is spiritual wisdom, there
is righteousness and Dharma.
Where there is falsehood, there is sin. Shri
Guru Granth Sahib Ji