Sakhi Sikhs do not Lie
practicality is not there in reality, our knowledge is of no worth if we do not
practice. Harbhajan Singh yogi ji
a Sikh was put on trial in the court of a Moughal king. King asked the Sikh
to tell him his story and then asked the prosecutor to tell his side of the
story. He then asked the prosecutor to prove his story so prosecutor brought
all the witnesses to prove it. And after that the Moughal king told the Sikh
to go away. He asked why? king said you are a Sikh and I trust you.
prosecutor has failed to prove his story and has tried hard to convince me
of his story but am no idiot to believe him so easily. You go away and I
shall find the truth. Everybody was shocked. Prosecutor came to the king and
asked that he had come for justice and have proved his story on the basis of
facts. The
king replied there is only ONE fact and that is he is a Sikh and Sikhs do
not lie. why do they not lie?. The king said because they
are not afraid of death and any person who is not afraid of death cannot
lie. The
prosecutor said, well there are other things … King replied "they are not
opportunist either". The King continued - First of all in my area the law is
that if you are a Sikh you shall be killed and no other punishment or reason
is required. The first question we asked was 'who are you? And the Sikh
replied "I am a Sikh" second "whose sikh are you" and sikh said "am Guru
Gobind Singh jis Sikh'. Don't you understand he invited death right there
and further nothing matters. And you have been bringing all this witnesses
!!! But for the truth I give you a chance to prove that this man has spoken
the truth. I give you 30 days to reaffirm your story and come back.
days passed and governor called the king and said that the you were right
and the Sikh was telling the truth. The King inquired 'How come you were
wrong?' He said we were listening to those who just wanted to please us.
'What about the sikh?.' He was telling the truth, his consciousness and
intelligence was telling him to please the Guru. You can call it character,
u can call it commitment, reality whatever but its nothing more that what
Guru gave to Sikhs :
Aad sach, jugaad sach, hai bi sach, nanak hosi bi sach.
"We live in ego and save our face, we don't live in Love to save our grace."
Harbhajan Singh yogi ji