Sakhi Pir Budhu Shah
Budhu Shah was a Muslim saint who lived at Sadhaura, about ten or fifteen
miles from Paunta Sahib. He was well known for his piety and had a large
number of followers. He had heard of Guru Nanak and his mission. He had also
learned that Guru Nanak's throne was then occupied by Guru Gobind Singh who
was staying in the neighborhood (Paunta Sahib).
he decided to visit him. The Guru seated the Pir near him who beseeched,"
Pray! tell us how one meets God Almighty." During the discussion the Pir
humbly submitted to the Master. There was a glow in the eyes of the Guru
which radiated Divine Light and the Pir exclaimed with sudden joy," Allah-hu-
Akbar!" - Great is God Almighty. After a while the Pir confessed," Master, I
was spiritually blind and you have shown me the Light." Blessed are the
souls on whom the Guru bestows the divine grace.
on the recommendation of Pir Budhu Shah, 500 Pathans were enlisted in the
Guru's army under the command of five chieftains- Kale Khan, Bhikan Khan,
Nijabat Khan, Hyat Khan, and Umar Khan. But in October 1686 when the hill
chieftains collected a force of 30,000 men, under the leadership of Raja
Bhim Chand and Fateh Shah and rode towards Paonta Sahib (to attack the
Guru), the Pathans became apprehensive of the scanty resources at the
disposal of the Guru and they all except Kale Khan with one hundred men,
deserted the Guru at the eleventh hour, and joined the hill Rajas.
Udasi Sadhus except their chief Mahant Kirpal (Kirpa Das), also took to
their heels. The Guru informed Budhu Shah of the misconduct of the Pathan
soldiers. Pir Budhu Shah looked upon their behavior as a personal disgrace.
In order to compensate this loss, Budhu Shah accordingly placed himself, his
brother, his four sons and seven hundred disciples at the Guru's disposal.
Guru stationed his troops at an eminent place near Bhangani village about
six miles from Paunta Sahib. The five sons of Bibi Viro- Sango Shah, Jit
Mal, Gopal Chand, Ganga Ram and Mohri Chand organized the attack for the
Guru's forces. They were ably backed by other Sikhs including Mahant Kirpa
Das. While repeating his orders the Guru buckled on his sword, slung his
quiver over his shoulders, took his bow in his hand, mounted his steed, and
shouting 'Sat Sri Akal' in his loudest voice, proceeded to confront his
enemies. As
mentioned Guru's forces were also joined by Pir Budhu Shah's troops and one
hundred Pathans under the command of Kale Khan. The enemy forces were led by
Raja Fateh Shah who was joined by Raja Hari Chand of Hadur, Raja Gopal of
Guler, Raja of Chandel, Rajas of Dadhwal and Jaswal, and four hundred
Pathans who had deserted the Guru's side. A severe and bloody battle was
raged. Many brave soldiers were killed on both sides. Although the opposite
army far outnumbered the Guru's men, but they did not have the same spirit
of sacrifice, nor did they have the same devotion to their leaders, as the
Sikhs had.
enemy may practise enmity in a thousand ways, but he will not succeed in
hurting even the hair of the head of him whom God protector."
Zafarnama (the Epistle of Victory).
Buddhu Shah fought bravely as did his sons and followers in this bloody of
battles at Bhangânî. Besides several hundred Sikhs, the two sons of Pir
Buddhu Shah and a large number of his followers also died in the fighting.
the battle Guru Gobind Singh offered rich presents to the Pir which the
latter politely declined to accept. However he, as the tradition goes, the
Guru was combing his hair. Budhu Shah begged of him to give him the comb
with his loose hair as a sacred souvenir. The Guru gave him the turban, the
comb with hair and a small sword. The greatest gift of all, the Guru blessed
him with Nam (God Name).
Rajput chiefs defeated at Bhangânî remained hostile towards Guru Gobind
Singh, and wished to evict him from Anandpur to where Guruji had returned.
To solicit help from the imperial government, they sent to the emperor
reports describing the Guru as a dangerous rebel. Complaints also reached
the authority against Pîr Buddhû Shâh who had rendered assistance to the
Guru. The faujdâr of Sirhind, under whose jurisdiction the parganah of
Sadhaura then fell, directed a local official, 'Usman Khâan, to reprimand
the Pir. The latter marched on Sadhaura, arrested Buddhu Shah and had him
executed. Banda
Singh Bahadur avenged the Pir's execution in 1709 by storming Sadhaura and
punishing 'Usman Khan. The ancestral house of Pir Budhu Shah in Sadhaura has
since been converted into a Gurdwara named after Pir Buddhu Shah.