Sakhi Guru Nanak Sahib Ji & Namaz
Guru Nanak returned home Guru ji gave away most of his possessions to needy
people spent a good deal of his time in meditation and satsang. On one
occasion he was asked: "Are you a Hindu or a Muslim?" Guru Nanak replied,
"With respect to my body, neither. I am no different from Hindus or from
Muslims, but the divine light which is unceasingly shining within me (and in
everybody) is neither Hindu nor Muslim."
time on a Friday, the holy day of the Muslims, the Nawab and other Muslim
courtiers were going to the mosque to do their routine prayers (namaz). A
Muslim cleric said that if Nanak believed in only one God, Allah, then he
should join them in prayer in the mosque. So Guru Nanak went to the mosque
with them and stood in the line of Muslim worshippers.
"Deora Masit soi, Pooja namaz ohi"
Temple and Mosque are the same, Hindu way of prayer and the muslim method of prayer are
the same
the prayer the worshippers bent down and put their heads on the ground to
show their servitude to Allah, but Guru Nanak stood in silence without
taking part in the namaz. After the prayers the Muslim cleric questioned
Nanak: "We showed our respect to God. Why did you not partake in this with
us?" Baba Nanak replied, "I did take part in the prayer but both of you did
not." Then he explained "Your mouth indeed was murmuring the prayers, but
your mind was intent on your mare which today has given birth to a colt.
Your mind was filled with fear lest the newborn colt might fall in the well.
Now, you tell me, how can this kind of prayer be accepted by God ?" The
cleric felt embarrassed and was mortified.
Nawab, who was listening to the conversation, asked Nanak, "Tell me, will my
prayer be accepted in the heavens?" Baba Nanak replied, "Your mind also was
not in the prayer. You were anticipating the arrival of the horses that you
have ordered from Kandahar. Your mind was distracted by concerns about
buying and selling horses." The Nawab responded with exasperation,
declaring: "Nanak is a mystic, he is a prophet. But, this is my misfortune
-- he was my minister but now he has become a fakir !"
Nanak Dev then advised them that true worship is a matter of the heart and
not of formal ritualism. According to Guru Nanak "There can be no worship
without performing good deed.". Both admitted the truth of Guru's statements
and the Nawab cried aloud to the Qazi,"Thou seest not Khuda (God) speaking
to us through Nanak?" The Muslims perform five Namaz at five different times
a day. The Guru addressed the meaning and virtue of Namaz:
prayers thou sayest five times a day, With
five different names; But if
Truth be thy first prayer, The
second to honestly earn your daily living, The
third to give in God's name, Purity
of mind by thy fourth prayer, And
praise and prayer to God thy fifth; If
thou practiseth these five virtues, And
good deeds be thine Kalma- the article of faith, Then
thy can call thyself a true Muslim. By
mere hypocrisy, O Nanak, A man
is deemed false through and through."
Majh ki Var Mohalla 1, Page 141