Sakhi Guru Nanak and Babur
returning from his travels from the West, Guru Nanak Dev Ji paid a visit to
Saidpur, now known as Eminabad to meet his devotee Bhai Lalo. Guru Sahib Ji
write about these times of upheaval :
age is like a knife. In the dark night of falsehood I cannot see where the moon
of truth is rising." Raag Majh ki Var
And again :
"Modesty and religion have disappeared because falsehood reigns supreme. The
Muslim mullha and the Hindu pandit have resigned their duties, the Devil reads
the marriage vows. Praises of murder are sung and people smear
themselves with blood instead of saffron." Raag Tilang
Guru Ji writes
about the Mughal invasions :
who had beautiful locks with vermilion dyed the parting of their hair, have their
tresses shorn with scissors and dust thrown on their heads. They who dwelt
in palaces cannot find a place in the streets." Raag
this period the Emperor Babur attacked Eminabad and captured Guru Ji with
his companions and imprisoned them. The captured were given grinding mills
and put to grind corn. While grinding the corn Guru Ji went into
contemplation and sang the glories of God. While Guru Ji sang about the
creator the grinding mill continued to grind without any visible means of
power, all who observed bowed their heads for surely they were in the
presence of a great soul. This news was carried to the ears of Babur.
came down to the dungeons and waited until Guru Ji had finished singing.
When his eyes met with the Guru's he folded his hands and bowed and begged
forgiveness. Babur requested that Guru Ji accompany him to his tent. Guru Ji
asked Babur to release all the prisoners as they had committed no crime, and
then he accompanied Babur to his tent. The emperor offered Guru Ji
refreshments but Guru Sahib replied " My cup is full. I have drunk the cup
of my Lord's love which fills me for all time."
O King, go and survey the scene of destruction that has been caused by your
army. Take a warning from those who have defeated others. He who is
victorious today may suffer defeat tomorrow. Where are those kings who ruled
here yesterday ? Where are those games, those stables, those horses ? Where
are those bugles, those clarions ? Where are those who buckled on their
swords and were mighty in battle ? Where are those scarlet uniforms ? Where
are those mirrors that reflected fair faces ? Where are those houses, those
mansions, those palaces ? We see them no longer here. O Lord, this world is
Thine. In one moment, Thou create, in another moment, Thou destroy Thy
hearing the words of the Guru, Babur remained in deep thought for a long
time and then asked Guru Ji humbly "What can I do for you ?" "Nothing," said
the Guru "The soul supreme Being has Himself commissioned me to spread His
message of Naam, and I enjoy His grace and gifts. Those who forsake Him and
attach themselves to others lose all. He makes emperors and kings, and He
turns them into dust." Babur bowed before Guru Ji and begged for counsel for
a better life.
"Be just to all, and never do
injustice to anyone,"said Guru Ji. " Never depart from the path of truth. Be merciful
and forgive others as you would wish to be forgiven. Do not covert that which
belongs to others. Do not sow the seeds of cruelty. He who is cruel, suffers."
words Babur took to heart and from then on endeavoured to be a just ruler.