Sakhi Gobind Rai and Bhikan Shah
lived in the city of Kuhram a Muslim saint, Bhikan Shah. On the morning of
Gobind Rai's (Later Guru Gobind Singh) birth, Bhikan Shah looked and bowed
towards the east (towards Patna). His disciples asked why he bowed towards
the east which was contrary to Muslim custom. He replied that there had just
been born a spiritual and temporal king in the east who should establish
true religion and destroy evil. Bhikan
Shah set out for Patna along with his disciples to behold the young prince.
When he reached Patna, the Muslim saint asked to have darshan (sight) of the
newly-born child. When the infant was brought, Bhikan Shah bowed at the
young prince's feet. He placed before him two earthen vessels covered with
muslin, one containing milk and the other with water. The child touched both
the vessels. Upon this Bhikan Shah thanked them for the opportunity given to
him to behold the child and then prepared to leave.
was asked what he meant by the two vessels. Bhikan Shah explained that one
vessel was marked for the Hindus and the other for the Muslims. He wanted to
know whether he would favor the Hindus or the Muslims. As the child touched
both the vessels, it meant that he should abide by both the Hindus and the
Muslims and he should include both of them in his religion.
Someone is Hindu and someone a Muslim, then someone is Shia, and someone
Sunni, but all the human beings, as a species, are recognized as one and the
Shri Guru Gobind Singh ji, Akal Ustat, Verse 85-15-1