Sakhi "Ekas Siyon Chith Laai"
Gopal Ji was a respected individual who use to run a karyana ( grocery)
store during the time of Guru Arjun Dev Ji Maharaj. People use to deposit
money with him for safe keeping purposes. One
day a person named Jamaal Khan deposited 500 coins with Bhai Gopal Ji. Bhai
Gopal Ji forgot to register them in his book and forgot to put them in his
safe. After sometime Jamaal Khan asked for the return of his 500 coins. Bhai
Gopal ji checked his book and checked the safe. The money was not recorded
and not in the safe and he said to Jamaal Khan he did not have his money.
Jamaal Khan said he would report Bhai gopal to the muslim emperor if he
didn't return his money. Bhai Gopal checked once again but could not find
the coins. He said to Jamaal Khan " I dont have your money. But if your
saying, then I'll; give you the 500 coins".
Khan went to the emperor who called Bhai Gopal Ji. The emperor said Bhai
Gopal ji "what am I hearing...I know your Nanak's Sikh and you won't do
anything of this sort but I also know that Jamaal Khan doesn't lie either."
Bhai Gopal Ji said I don't have his money but if you say I will pay him 500
coins. The emperor not knowing how to do justice said he would leave it to
God. They would heat a pan of oil and throw a copper coin in. The one who
picks the coin out without getting burnt will be the truthful one.
Gopal Ji did Ardas to Guru Ji. "some people have someone for support and
some people have others for support, but for me you are my one and only
support. Please help me and look after me." Bhai Gopal Ji put his hand into
the hot oil and picked the coin with no harm to his hand or arm.
people have others, but I am forlorn and dishonored; I have
only You, Lord. I
might as well just die crying, if You will not come into my mind. ||1||
Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang. 791
Jamaal Khan put his hand in to the hot oil but his hand got burnt before he
could pick up the coin. Immediately he was given medical treatment. Bhai
Gopal Ji was upset that someone had been hurt because of him. Anyway some
time passed and a customer came into Bhai Gopals store. Whilst looking for
the item requested by the customer Bhai Gopal Ji found the 500 coins in a
container with the food stuffs. Immediately he went to Jamaal Khan and said
I have found your 500 coins here. Jamaal Khan refused to take the coins
saying he had been embarrassed in the Royal court and in front of the
village and that Bhai Gopal ji should keep the money. Bhai Gopal Ji said it
was not his money and he was not authrosied by Guru Ji to keep something
which didnt belong to him.
Khan agreed to accept the money on condition that he could meet Guru Ji.
Bhai Gopal Ji and Jamaal Khan both visited Guru Ji who was in the middle of
a diwan. As soon as Bhai Gopal Ji saw Guru Ji, his eyes washed Gurru Jis
lotus feet with his tears. Guru Ji said to Bhai Gopal Ji.. "Bhai Gopal you
have been accepted in Guru Ji's house". Jamaal Khan asked Guru Ji a question
"both Gopal and I were both truthful yet my hand got burnt and his didn't.
was this ? Guru Ji replied "Firstly, Bhai Gopal Ji didn't deliberately do
anything wrong or underhand. Secondly, Bhai Gopal Ji recited his Ardas to
the one supreme god in whom he had complete faith and who helped him at his
time of need. When you put your hand in, you recited/remembered various
peers to help you but you didn't have faith and trust in ONE.
Khan agreed and said yes he had recited the support of various peers. In the
company of Guru Ji both Bhai Gopal Ji and Jamaal Khan were both exalted by
Guru Ji's darshan.
Lord and Master is One; He is
the One and Only; O Siblings of Destiny, He is the One alone ||1||
Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ang. 350