Sakhi Bulleh Shah
who do not forget the Lord, with each breath and morsel of food, whose
are filled with the Mantra of the Lord's Name they alone are blessed; O
they are the perfect Saints. ||1||
Baba Bulleh Shah was sitting on bank of river when he saw this lady selling
carrots. People were coming to buy it, but when they start picking and
choosing she would say "I only sell carrots in volumes there is no pick and
choose". So all these people had to buy carrots in volumes/in bulk.
there was this beautiful man, who came to her to get carrots, but this time
she herself picked the best carrots for him ! Bulleh shah was quite
surprised looking at the incident so after this men had left Bulleh shah
asked her how come you let only him to hand pick the carrots, in fact you
picked and choose carrots for him yourself. She replied, Bulleh Shah ji, he
is my husband, there is no counting/accounts between lovers.
made Bullah Shah realize, what's the point of carrying a rosary. He put it
away and asked himself, Bullah are you insane? Why are you doing counting
with your beloved? Why count what Waheguru has given me ? How many times
have I done simran or went to Gurudwara, or how much money did I gave for
charity and then brag about the same etc ?
good deeds the soil, and let the Word of the Shabad be the seed; irrigate it
continually with the water of Truth. Become
such a farmer, and faith will sprout. This brings knowledge of heaven and
hell, you fool! ||1|| Do not
think that your Husband Lord can be obtained by mere words. You
are wasting this life in the pride of wealth and the splendor of beauty.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji
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