Sakhi Baba Nanak Shah Faquir; Hindu Da Guru, Musalman Da Peer
Guru Nanak Dev ji, knowing that
his time to depart from earth was approaching, appointed Angad Dev
ji(formely bhai Lehna ji) his successor. On September 2, 1539 (2 Asu, 1596
Asu vadi 5) Guru Nanak placed five Paise before Bhai Lehna and bowed to him
in token of his succession to the Guruship. He placed the umbrella of
Spiritual Sovereignty over Bhai Lehna's head.
'Divine Light is the same The
Way and Mode are the same The
Master has merely changed the body.'
Ramkali ki Var- Rai Balwand Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji,
Ang. 966
When Guruship was passed on to
Guru Angad, sangat/people realized that Guru Nanak was soon to depart bodily
from the world (As a Divine Light and Spirit, the Guru is always present).
The Sikhs, the Hindus and the Muslims came from all over to have holy
glimpse of Guru Nanak. Guru's Muslim devotees wanted to bury Guruji after
his death. whereas the Hindu followers desired to cremate Gurujis body. When
Guruji was asked for his decision, he replied, "Let the Hindus place flowers
on my right and the Muslims on my left. Those whose flowers are found
fresh in the morning, may have the disposal rights of my body." The Guru
drew a sheet over him. When the sheet was removed next morning, there was
nothing, but the flowers on both sides were afresh. The light blended with
Light and the spirit went back and merged with the Master Spirit. The Hindus
and the Muslims removed their respective flowers and cut the sheet into two.
The former cremated the sheet and the latter buried it.
'Baba Nanak Shah Faquir; Hindu Da Guru,
Musalman Da Peer'