Sakhi Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Disguise & Bhai Nand Lal Ji's Langar
Singh often sported with his disciples, and had many surprises for them. It
was ordained at Anandpur that every disciple should keep a langar of his own
to feed the pilgrims and the needy, and the orders were that none should be
sent away disappointed. Very early one day, the Master disguised as a common
pilgrim, went round all these langars, asking for bread. The disciples were
busy getting the bread ready, so they could not promise anything till they
were fully prepared to receive guests. The Master went from door to door
till he reached Bhai Nandlal's langar.
Nandlal welcomed the guest with a beaming face and brought everything that
was in the room; butter, half-kneaded flour, half-cooked pulse, and other
vegetables; and placed them before the guest. "This is ready and is all for
you, but if you permit me, I will prepare them for you, and serve you in the
Name of My Master", said Bhai Nandlal. Next morning, the Guru told everyone
that there was but one Temple of Bread at Anandpur, and that was Bhai
Fetching water for the holy congregation is equal to the kingdom of lacs of
Grinding of corn (for the holy congregation) is more than the pleasure of
myriads of
Arranging for and putting in woods into the hearth of langar (free kitchen)
for the
congregation is equal to the rddhis, siddhis and the nine treasures. The
holy persons are the caretakers of the poor and in their company the
humility resides in the heart (of people).
Singing of hymns of the Guru is the personification of the unstruck melody.
Bhai Gurdaas ji Vaars , Page 14