Sakhi whether Hindu is great or the Muslim
and maulvis got together and began discussing religion. A great fantasy has
been created and no one could understood its mystery. They asked Baba Nanak
to open and search in his book whether Hindu is great or the Muslim.
replied to the pilgrim hajis, that, without good deeds both will have to
weep and
by being a Hindu or a Muslim one can not get accepted in the court of the
Lord. As the colour of safflower is impermanent and is washed away in water,
likewise the colours of religiosity are also temporary. (Followers of both
the religions) In their expositions, denounce Ram and Rahim.
The whole of the world is
following the ways of Satan
Taken from a Shabad by Bhai Gurdaas
Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas