Sakhi Baba Deep Singh Jee
all peaceful means of settlement are exhausted, it is justified to take up the
sword (against tyranny for justice Shri Guru Gobind
Singh ji
Deep Singh was a Sikh belonging to the village Pahuwind in the District of
Amritsar. He was tall, strong, and uncommonly brave. He had received baptism
from the hands of Guru Gobind Singh Jee himself. He was a bold and fearless
Sant-Sipahi (saint-warrior).
being a strong and fearless warrior, he was a great scholar and
practiced Bani regularly. In fact he was one of the most scholarly Sikhs
of his time. Along with Bhai Mani Singh ji, he spent lot of his time
preparing copies of Guru Granth Sahib. Some he wrote with his own hands.
Others he got written under his direct supervision. Copies of the Guru Grath
Sahib ji written by his own hands or issued by him with his approval were
accepted as most authentic.
the time that we are talking of, Ahamad Shah Abdali was in India on his
fourth invasion. On his return from Delhi, he stayed for sometime in Lahore.
He had experienced a good deal of trouble at the hands of the Sikhs. Hence,
while staying at Lahore, he sent out a force to punish the Sikhs at Amritsar.
The city was plundered. The sacred places, including Sri Harmandir Sahib,
were demolished. The sacred tank (sarovar) was filled up.
news of what had been done to the holy places at Amritsar soon reached
Damdama Sahib. On hearing it, Baba Deep Singh Jee felt as if an arrow had
pierced his heart. At once, he decided to go to Amritsar and avenge the
insult to the sacred places there. He started immediately. Many brave Sikhs
with whatever weapon they had with them collected at Damdama Sahib. Baba
Deep Singh drew a line on the ground with his double edged Khanda, weighing
18Kgs and addressed the gathered Sikhs, "Only those should cross this line
who are prepared to die but not turn back to the enemy in the battlefield A
band of five hundred Sikhs volunteered to accompany him. He announced the
coming Diwali festival gathering would be celebrated at Amritsar. Sikhs went
on joining him as he went along. By the time he reached Tarn Taran Sahib, he
had about five thousand men with him.
Lord, of Thee this boon I ask, That I
never shun a righteous deed. Let me
be fearless when I go into battle, Give
me faith that victory will be mine. Let
one directive guide my mind, That I
may ever sing Thy praise, And
when comes the time to end my life, I
should die heroically fighting on the Battle field."
Guru Gobind Singh ji
news of march of these brave Sikhs determined to take revenge for
desecration of their holiest shrine and to restore its sanctity, reached the
rulers in Lahore. Jahan Khan commanding an army of 20,000 soldiers proceeded
towards Amritsar. Five miles from Amritsar, the two opposing forces
confronted each other. The Sikhs fought with such bravery that soldiers of
Jahan Khan's army ran for their lives. Hundred of soldiers of either side
fell dead in the battle field. Bhai Dayal Singh, companion of Baba Deep
Singh leading a posse of 500 Sikhs, attacked Amir Jahan Khan's force and
succeeded in cutting Amir Jahan Khan's head.
this victory, the sikh forces arrived at Ramsar. By then Atai Khan came with
a large army and artillery. His arrival turned the odds against the Sikhs. A
fierce battle began. The Sikhs, with Baba Deep Singh Jee at their head, went
on fighting and advancing towards Amritsar. Near Ramsar, Baba Deep Singh Jee
received a mortal wound in the neck. Baba Deep Singh, more than seventy-five
years of age at that time, started to lose his footing under the impact of
the blow, when a Sikh reminded "Baba Jee, you had prayed that you should
fall a martyr in the precincts of Sri Harmandir Sahib. But you seem to be
departing here."
hearing this, an inhuman energy suddenly took over and Baba Deep Singh Jee
rallied at once. He supported his head with is left hand. With the right
hand he went on wielding his heavy khanda cutting down his enemy. Thus
fighting, he reached the precincts of Sri Harmandir Sahib. His vow was
fulfilled. He fell there to become a martyr. This happened in the year 1757.
At the place where he was wounded stands a Gurdwara "Shaheed Ganj Baba Deep
He alone is known as a spiritual
hero, who fights in defense of religion. He may be cut apart, piece by piece,
but he never leaves the field of battle. ||2||2||
Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Ang. 1105