Sakhi Redemption of Tulsan Dassi
day Mata Tripta ji (Guru Nanak dev jis (Mother) Mata ji ) expounded. "Tulsan
go and tell my dear son that the dinner is ready, come and relish it.
"As you direct, Madam." And she proceeded to Satguru Nanak Dev Jee, the One
who had endowed magnificence to world, was seated majestically. The
resplendent countenance was so striking that Tulsan could not dare to rouse
him. Then, she deliberated, 'If I massage his feet, he may awoke.'
when she touched his feet, in her body she felt a reverberation like an
electric current passing through. This tingling sensation diminished the
opaqueness of her eyes, she intuited (knew instinctively) that the household
offspring had emerged as the Son of the Universe. She envisaged that he was
a True Being and was taking part in human drama.
awoke to the heavenly heights. She observed that whole mundane world had
transformed, there were no afflictions, no bickering and the criteria of
fear had flown away; peace and harmony were encompassing. Aha, the feet,
which had twirled her whole concept, she, obliviously, placed her forehead
on them. She pressed her eyes on them and beheld: if there was any nucleus
of the earth, then it must be there. In perturbation she kissed the feet and
her swirling eyes opened up inside a sharp leathery but with soothing
did she observe: the ship of a Guru's beloved Sikh was going to submerge
near Sangladweep and, with full vision of Sri Guru Nanak Dev, he was, both
body and soul, in supplication, and Sri Guru Jee, arriving there, was
helping him. In the meantime, she noticed that the ship was coming out of
danger. Tulsan,
following this wonder of the devotee with his Master, heeded to an inherent
articulation, "Nee you, Tulsan Bibi! Be quick. Awaken the Dear Son and get
him here." (said Mataji) Sailing in such a mood, Tulsan suddenly got up,
when the Reverend Mother again asked, "My Dear Son is up or not yet."
Tulsan "Dear
Mother! Don't call him Dear Son; call him Beholder of the Universe. He is
not in sleep that I can wake him up. Mother! He is salvaging the drowning
ship of a human being. I could not dare to rouse him."
Mata Jee
"Well, dear child! Who wouldn't ridicule? The ones who were
brought up in our hands ? How the time has changed. Are you making fool of
us too ?"
thus the mother went herself and in her absence Bebe Nanaki took the place
in the kitchen. In the meantime, the mother woke up the divine Son and
persuaded him to come. She served him meal and said, "Look my Dear Son! If
you don't wander around with mendicants, adopt a vocation, sit with
splendour in the Panchayat--the council, then, the people won't make fun of
us, and won't ridicule. Previously only the outsiders used to, but, now, the
servants of our household are indulging in sarcasm."
Satguru Jee
"Dear Mother! Who has uttered to you in disrespect ?"
"Look at her. Tulsan said today, `Who could I wake up? Dear Son
was rescuing the ship in the seas.'"
Satguru jee
"Dear Mother, don't mind her. She is an idiotic. Why frown the
insane."Soon hearing this, Bebe(Nanaki) felt the land slipping under her
feet, both earth and skyswiveled. With a `Ah' she grieved but alerted
herself. She looked all around: Tulsan had become insane.
Next morning, when Sri Guru Jee
was in solitary mood, Bebe, the epitome of compassion, implored, "Aye My
Dear Brother, you the Godly Soul! Shower benediction on Tulsan."
Satguru Jee
My Dear Sister! Don't be distressed. Nothing has gone wrong with Tulsan.
With the worship of the Lord, she will obtain redemption. She will wake up
unaffected. The insanity will remain provided she don't slander the boon she
had received. She won't become idiotic through anything else. Insane is that
who cannot speak in the love of Waheguru. Tulsan has been provided with
digestive powder, she will forbear a life of internal happiness." Bebe, the
premier perceiver of the Celestial Soul, expended her thankful obeisance,
and Tulsan passed her days blissfully.
Climbing the steps of non-duality they adopt the Word of the formless Guru. They
enjoy His ineffable story like they enjoyment by a dumb person of the
Through the natural devotion, the gurmukhs attain the fruit of delight.
Vaars Bhai Gurdaas ji on Page 11