Sakhi mith bolnaa jee har sajan suaamee moraa
mouth has not stopped slandering and gossiping about others.
Your service is useless and
fruitless. ||1|| Shri Guru granth Sahib ji, Ang. 1253
Guru Gobind Singh was out camping and a man brought a bear and wanted to
show the play, everybody got very excited to see what the bear could do. The
man did so many acts with the bear that it pleased the Guru and the sangat.
Immediately after the show, Guruji asked the Sikhs to prepare karah prashad
and did ardas.
which Guruji said to his chauria(the bear's caretaker), "Bhai, please give
prashad to the bear also". But surprisingly after eating the Parshad the
bear died on the spot. The bear's caretaker now started crying. Guruji then
asked the 'Kazanchi' (the man who was in charge of the cash) to give him
some money with which he can survive and start doing Kirt again. The Sikhs
were puzzeled and requested Guruji to explain the episode.
said, "The Bear was a great Gursikh and sewadar. Once when he was serving
prashad in the congregation when another sikh who was bringing the wood to
the city, and to the langar, thought he can just go in the congregation and
pay obeisance to the Guru, get the prashad and run. So he left his bullock
cart working(un-attended), and ran over to the Gurdwara and asked the
sewadar to please give him prashad first. On this the sewadar (bear) asked
him to "Sit down and wait his turn"
the Sikh just clamped on him. The sewadar got irritated and said, "Why are
you clamping on me like a bear?" "Don't you understand, you sit down and
I'll give it to you !!" Meanwhile a little prashad fell down and the Sikh
quitely picked it up and left. It was because the sewadar had caused
distress and used foul language for a sikh (sangat) that he himself became a
bear. And since he was a Sikh and had done sewa in Guru ghar he was redeemed
now by giving prashad and doing Ardas.
Dear Lord and Master, my Friend, speaks so sweetly. I have
grown weary of testing Him, but still, He never speaks harshly to me. He
does not know any bitter words; the Perfect Lord God does not even
consider my faults and demerits. It is
the Lord's natural way to purify sinners; He does not overlook even an iota of
service. Shri Guru granth Sahib ji, Ang. 784