Brief information about Bhatts (Bards)
Almighty God
has made this magnificent worldly game. He has created such beings in this
world that consider visible objects and things as the ultimate end,
engrossing themselves in the lifelong tussle to obtain these objects of
desire sacrificing everything including their life for the attainment of
these visible things. On the
contrary there are some lucky people who consider these visible items as
perishable and desire to see and meet the Creator who created them. They
pray from within for the harmony with the invisible creator. As stated on
page 701 :
If only
someone would unite me with the Lord ! I hold tight
to His feet, and utter sweet words with my tongue; I make my breath of life
an offering to Him.
Also on page
757 :
If only
someone would come, and lead me to meet my Darling Beloved; I would sell
myself to him.
Seeing their
internal agitation, pang of separation and keen desire to see the Creator,
God Almighty reveals Himself to them by creating some sort of pretext. Then
these loved ones proclaim openly,” O Lord!, Now with your grace and
blessings I am able to see and feel your omnipresence. As mentioned in Raag
Asa mahala 1 :
Where ever I
go , I see you in all places , dear true creator I see God Almighty
In this
context, in order to find out the invisible through the visible and for
eternal peace and true bliss, the Bhatts (bards) came to the holy embrace of
Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji. Before coming to Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji,
these Bhatts1
traveled throughout the country to quench their thirst for
spiritual fulfillment and peace. They went to different sadhus, saints,
yogis, Hermits, worshippers and ascetics. They discussed with them,
exchanged views and told their inner urge to meet Almighty Lord, but could
not be satisfied. Instead they got disappointment after wandering for one
full year. They also traveled to different places of pilgrimage but nothing
seemed to quench the thirst inside for fulfillment of the desire to meet
Waheguru. Finally, they came to the Holy feet of Guru Arjun Dev ji and told
Him about their innermost desire. After hearing the teachings
of Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji and seeing his Holy form ,the Bhatts were totally
impressed. They were highly influenced to witness the traditions of Guru-Darbar(Guru’s
house or temple). They accepted Sri Guru Arjun Dev ji as their Guru and
described his state without any hesitation in the following words of Gurbani
on page 1395 :
I have been searching for
the Saints; I have seen so many Holy and spiritual people. The hermits, Sannyaasees,
ascetics, penitents, fanatics and Pandits all speak sweetly. I wandered around lost for
a year, but no one touched my soul.
1 Bhatts belonged to
Brahmin caste. They were highly intelligent scholars of Vedas and Shashtras.
The Bhatts of Punjab call themselves as Sarsut Brahmin. They derive their
origin from koshik Rishi. The high class of Brahmins consider them as of low
status. They lived on the bank of river Saraswati(River of knowledge).
Previously it flowed near Pihova Distt, Karnal,India. With the passing of
time, in order to earn their livelihood, some of them migrated to Jind,
Sultanpur and other places. The Bhatts on one side of the river Saraswati
called themselves Sarsut , while Brahmins on the other side of the river
were called Gaurh Bhatt. The eleven Bhatts who came to the shelter of Sri
Guru Arjun Dev ji were Sarsut Bhatts. They were :
1. Bhikha
2. Kalsahar
4. Kirat
5. Nalh
6. Gayand
7. Mathura
8. Ballh
9. Sallh
10. Bhallh
11. Harbhans
The author of Gur Bilas
Patshahi Chhevee (6TH Guru) has written about Bhatts as :
For a year they roamed and
witnessed every religion and sect The giver of peace , ocean
of bliss guru was not seen anywhere Having rambled and roamed
many regions they arrived at the ultimate ocean Witnessing the form of Guru
Arjun dev ji gave peace and calmed the heart Doharaa--- In this manner all praised
guru and fell at his feet The ocean of mercy Sri gur
ji said “ask for whatever you desire Bhikha ji the bard then
uttered his plight to guru ji We all have this desire O
lord Make all of us your sikhs Initiate us through your
divine sermon and still our Minds
All Bhatts were overjoyed
to be blessed by the great Guru. They enunciated 121 Swayias in praise of
God and Guru. These Swayias have been preserved in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji.
According to Gur Bilas Patshahi Chhevee’ s words :
extremely happy was the
benevolent lord They wrote eulogies in the
Granth that was pleasing to the mind Boons were blessed
fulfilling all the minds desires By initiating them as Sikhs
all their doubts were dispelled
The internal feelings,
devotional intensity, love and affection for God and the Guru’s in the minds
of Bhatts are clearly visible in the Swayias written by them. They have used
the most sublime and subtle similes, metaphors, contrasts, parallels,
symbolic and affectionate language in a very artistic and deeply devotional
style. They did use difficult and compound words. If one studies and recites
these Swayias with complete grammatical punctuation and pauses they produce
a sense of asceticism and pleasure instantly in the mind of the reader. The Swayias uplift the soul
into areas of the highest consciousness. This is the reason when Sri Guru
Granth Sahib ji is to be installed in the Holy Darbar Sahib(Golden Temple,
Amritsar) before dawn, different Gursikhs recite these Swayias turn by turn,
standing for fifteen minutes in a very devotional and melodious voice,
daily, before the actual Hukamnama(Guru’s order) is read. Every body is
enthused, impressed at these moments and one feels as if indeed Guru Ji has
descended from heaven to be amongst the congregation. A strange feeling of
pious love prevails there. The scene can be portrayed in the words of Baba
Kabir ji as stated on page 1370 :
I cannot describe its
sublime glory; it has to be seen to be appreciated.
This has been a well-
established tradition that the singing of Swayia’s by Bhatts was first
stated at the time of Guru Arjun Dev ji. Starting from that time period,
these Bhatts used to stand up turn by turn and recite Swayias them selves.
That tradition prevails till this day with the grace of Guru Arjun Dev ji.