20. The Prisoner are Humiliated
the 29th February, the citizens of Delhi had lined the streets in full
force, to get a good sight of the show. First marched 2,000 soldiers each
holding a Sikh head impaled on his upright spear (so many extra had been
collected on the way). Next followed Banda Singh's elephant.
gold-laced red turban was placed on his head, and to add further mockery to
his plight, a bright printed scarlet shirt was slipped on his body. Then
came 740 prisoners (500 had been collected on the way). These men were
chained in pairs and thrown across the backs of camels.
faces were blackened, and pointed sheepskin or paper caps were clapped on
their heads. Behind this line came the Mughal Commanders, Mohammed Amin
Khan, his son Kamar-ud-Din Khan, and his son-in-law Zakaria Khan. Their army
men lined both sides of the streets.