19. Zakaria Khan takes Charge
Khan, the son of the Lahore Governor, then took charge. and in order to give
the Emperor a bigger present, he ordered his men to lop off more heads of
Sikhs that they caught on the way, and he loaded them on to the carts that
carried the 300 from (Gurdas Nangal). The rest Sikhs around 740 Sikhs along
with Banda Singh were taken to Lahore, and thence to Delhi.
cavalcade to the imperial capital was a grisly sight. Besides 740 prisoners
in heavy chains, it comprised seven hundred cartloads of the heads of the
Sikhs with another 200 stuck upon pikes. On 26th Fehruary, 1716, this
procession neared Delhi, and Farukh Siyar ordered his Minister Mohammed Amin
Khan to go out to receive them and to prepare them for a suitable display in
the town.