14. Banda is Hounded by Mughals
reinforcements arrived and sixty thousand horse and foot closely invested
Banda's hill retreat. For want of provisions, Sikhs were reduced to rigorous
straits. They killed their horses for food, and when they could stand up to
the enemy no longer, they made desperate nightly sally to escape into the
hills of Nahan. Banda was far from vanquished.
hukamnamah, issued by him to his followers within a fortnight of his leaving
the fort of Lohgarh, showed the spirit which swayed the Sikhs during those
arduous times. The following is an English version of Banda Singh's letter.
Deg O Teg O Fateh o nusrat bedirang Yaft Az
Nanak Guru Gobind Singh
kettle and the sword (Symbols of charity and power), victory and blessing
have been obtained from Guru Nanak-Gobind Singh. God is one! Victory to the
Presence!! This is the order of Sri Sachcha Sahib (The great master) to the
entire Khalsa. The Guru will protect you. Call upon the Guru's name. Your
lives will be fruitful!.
are the Khalsa of the great immortal God. On seeing this letter, repair to
the presence, wearing five arms. Observe the rules of conduct laid down for
the Khalsa. Do not use Bhang, tobocco, Poppy, wine, or any other
intoxicant...Commit no theft or adultery. We have brought Satyug (the golden
age) Love one another. This is my wish. He who lives according to the rules
of Khalsa shall be saved by the Guru.