Bhani's Marriage
Guru's wife - Bibi Ramoji - was keen to get her youngest daughter married,
as she had reached the age of puberty. Guru Amardas asked her what kind of
groom she desired for her simple and pious girl. She pointed to Bhaijetha
who was standing at some distance indicating that someone like him would be
suitable for Bibi Bhani. The Guru replied: "He (Jetha) is his own parallel,
for God has made none other like unto him."*
Both Guru Amardas and his wife agreed that Bhai Jetha - who was later to
become Guru Ramdas - was a suitable match for Bhani. They formally made the
proposal to him and he was overcome with joy. The wedding took place at
Goindwal early in 1553. Guru Ramdas later composed the following hymn of
thanksgiving to God: "The Lord has accomplished the work; he has come to wed
a holy bride."