Composition of Shri Anand Sahib ji
day a Sidh Jogi came to the Guru and complained that he performed every form
of penance but did not obtain any peace of mind. He further showed his
desire to abandon his body to be reborn in Guru's family so that he be happy
worshipping God and singing His praises. His wish was granted. The Guru had
two sons, Mohan and Mohri. Mohri's eldest son was Arth Mal and it is said
that this Sidh Jogi was reborn as Mohri's second son. When the Guru heard of
the Jogi's rebirth, he sent Bhai Ballu to bring the infant to him.
seeing the child, the Guru uttered the composition of Anand (Ramkali Mohalla
3, Anand) or the Song of Joy, and called the child, Anand. This composition
(Anand Sahib) is now recited on the occasions of marriages and rejoicing.