1. Born
Born: 1479
Born Place: Baasrke, district Shri Amritsar Sahib ji
Mother's Name: Mata Lakshami ji
Father's Name: Bhaai TejBhaan ji
Marriage Year: 1496
Wife's Name: Mansa Devi (Ram Kaur)
Children's: 4 (2 Sons & 2 Daughters)
Name of Fist Son: Baba Mohan ji
Name of Second Son: Baba Mohari ji
Name of First Daughter: Bibi Bhani ji
Name of Second Daughter: Bibi Dani ji
Ruler: Humaayun & Akbar
Mind Arise with: Shri Japuji Sahib (Bani of Shri Guru Nanak dev
Construction of Shri Baaoli Sahib
Other names: The Third Master
Years active: 1552–1574
Known for: Writing the Anand Sahib
Predecessor: Guru Angad
Successor: Guru Ram Das
Departure: 1574
Departure Place: Shri Goindwaal Sahib ji
Amardas was born on 5th May 1479 at Basarkay in Amritsar district. His
father Tejbhan Bhalla was a middle class farmer and trader. His mother
Bhakht Kaur, also called Sulakhni, was a homely and pious lady. Born in a
typical Vaishnava family, Amardas followed its traditional religious
practices, and abstained from meat. At the age of twenty-four he married
Mansa Devi. In due course, he had two sons - Mohri and Mohan, and two
daughters - Dani and Bhani. He was religiously inclined and followed the
Vaishnava mode of worship. From the age of forty-two, he started going to
Hardwar for pilgrimage every year. After the death of his father (in 1553),
he became the head of the family.
1541, Amardas as usual proceeded to Hardwar for pilgrimage. On his return
journey, he met a monk who got very friendly with him. Both shared a meal
and began a religious discussion. During the conversation, the monk - some
say he was a Brahamchari devotee - asked Amardas the name of his Guru.
Amardas replied that he had no Guru. The monk was much upset by the answer
and expressed his regret for having taken food from one who had no Guru. He
further added that he had committed a sin by sharing a meal with a Guru-less
person and as such he would have to go again to Hardwar for washing away his
sin. Amardas reflected on the remark of the monk and realised the need of a
Guru. He felt that he had wasted twenty-one years in pilgrimage and achieved
nothing on the spiritual plane. Moreover, the label of Beguru Nigura
(Guru-Less person) given by the monk to Amardas was a source of constant
humiliation to him. So Amardas began his search for a Guru in right earnest.
soon as Amardas reached home, he began to reflect over his sad plight and
inner tension. He could hardly sleep during that night. Lost in his anxiety
over the restless condition of his mind, he turned frequently from one side
to another in his bed. Fortunately, early at dawn he heard a sweet and
inspiring song sung by his nephew's wife - Bibi Amro. He listened to the
hymn attentively and reflected on the meaning of the words. Amro had learnt
the hymn from her father - Guru Angad Dev - who lived in Khadur. Amardas
realised that the hymn summed up his real condition and the need of a Guru
for gaining peace of mind and spiritual comfort.
hymn is as follows:
"Conduct is the paper and
mind is the inkpot. Good and bad deeds are the writs recorded thereon. As
the past deeds drive the man, so he walks. O God! There is no limit to Thy
excellence. The body is the furnace and the mind is the iron therein. The
fires of five passions heat it up. The mind turned into dross is again
transmuted into gold, if the philosopher's stone, like the Guru is met. The
Guru blesses man with ambrosial Name of the Lord and then the body and mind
become stable."
(Page or Ang. 990)
* The number
given in brackets refers to the page of the Shri Guru Granth Sahib ji.
he heard the melody and understood its message, he felt comforted. The sweet
and inspiring words soothed his mind. He asked Bibi Amro about the composer
of the hymn. She told him that this was the composition of Guru Nanak who
had passed away and nominated her father - Guru Angad - as the second Guru
of the Sikhs. Amardas requested her to take him immediately to her father at
Khadur. She complied with his wish and both of them reached Khadur after a
few hours.