What was the name of the river that Guru Amardas Ji walked to
to get water
Guru Angad Dev Ji's bath ?
River Beas
When was Guru Amardas Ji appointed as Guru ?
1552 A.D.
Name the eldest son of Guru Angad Dev Ji who struck Guru
Amardas Ji with his
foot when Guru Ji was seated on Gurgaddi
(Guru's seat).
Bhai Datu
101. Which city was
founded by Guru Amardas Ji, where he settled
down after being
appointed as Guru ?
What is a baoli ?
A well with steps proceeding down to the water
103. When was the Baoli
(well) with 84 steps completed by Guru
Amardas Ji in
Goindval ?
In 1559 A.D.
Who established the
system of preachers called 'masands' ?
Guru Amardas Ji
105. In which year did
Emperor Akbar visit Guru Amardas Ji ?
1567 A.D.
106. Why did Guru
Amardas Ji refuse Emperor Akbar's offering of
village revenues
for the
Guru-ka-langar ?
This Community Kitchen must be community
supported and depend only on the offerings of the devout.
107. What did one have
to do before he was allowed to attend
discourse of Guru
Amardas Ji ?
They had to partake Guru-ka-langar
108. What were the three
special days declared by Guru Amardas
Ji when all the
Sikhs were to congregate from far and near at
the Guru's place to hear His
words ?
Baisakhi (April 13), Maghi (1st day of Magha,
mid January) and Diwali (festival of lights in October/November)
109. Guru Amardas Ji
opposed the practice of Purdah. What is
Purdah ?
Wearing of veil by women
Guru Amardas Ji
opposed the practice of Sati. What is Sati ?
The practice of burning the widow on her
husbands funeral pyre is called Sati. When the husband died, the wife either
voluntarily burnt herself on the pyre of her husband or was thrown into the
fire without her consent. In popular term the woman who did perform this act
was called Sati (truthful).
111. How many
missionaries ('masands') did Guru Amardas Ji train
and sent out to various places ? Out of these, how many were
women ?
Guru Amardas Ji trained and sent out 146
missionaries, out of which 52 were women. (Note: At one time, the country of
Afghanistan and Kashmir were under the jurisdiction of women masands.)
In which year did
Guru Amardas Ji become 'Joti Jot' (immersed
in the Eternal
Light) ?
In 1574 A.D.
113. In which year was
Guru Ramdas Ji born ?
In 1534 A.D.
114. Name the parents of
Guru Ramdas Ji.
Hari Das and Anup Devi (some historians list
Daya Kaur as the mother)
What was Guru
Ramdas Ji's wife's name ?
Bibi Bhani Ji. (Daughter of Guru Amardas Ji.)
116. What was the
original name of Guru Ramdas Ji ?
Bhai Jetha
117. Name the three sons
of Guru Ramdas Ji.
118. When and where did
Guru Ramdas Ji become 'Joti Jot'
(immersed in the Eternal
Light) ?
In 1581 A.D. at Goindval.
119. In which year was
Guru Arjan Dev Ji born ?
In 1563 A.D.
120. What was Guru Arjan
Dev Ji's wife's name ?
Mata Ganga Ji
121. Name the only son
of Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
122. Name the son of
Prithi Chand.