614. What was the 'Komagata Maru' ?
The Komagata Maru was a Japanese steamliner chartered by an affluent
businessman, Gurdit Singh, to bring Indian immigrants to Canada in 1914. The
ship's route departed from Hong Kong, stopped in Japan and then headed to
Canada. It's passengers included 376 Indians, all Punjabis, among whom 340
were Sikhs. The ship was eventually turned back at Vancouver where landing
was refused, and terminated eventually at Calcutta.
615. When did Komagata Maru reach Vancouver ?
The Komagata Maru reached Vancouver on May 23, 1914. After two months of
a heated legal battle, the ship was forced to leave Vancouver on July 23,
1914. Only 24 passengers were given permission to legally stay in Canada.
616. Where was the Komagata Maru redirected to when it approached Calcutta ?
When the Komagata Maru approached Calcutta on September 26, 1914, the
ship was redirected by European gunboats to a place called Budge Budge,
about 17 miles from Calcutta.
617. How many Indians were killed by the
firing of the British troops in the Budge Budge riot ?
Twenty-nine fell victim to the bullets of the British officials and 20
618. When did the massacre at Jallianwaala Baagh occur ?
April 13, 1919 A.D.
619. Who ordered his troops to fire on the unarmed men, women and children assembled at Jallianwaala Baagh ?
General Dyer
620. How many people were massacred at Jallianwaala Baagh ?
309 Sikhs killed at Jallianwaala Baagh
621. Why did Udham Singh assassinate Sir Michael O'Dwyer ?
Sir Michael O'Dwyer used to be the Lt. Governor of Punjab who had
approved General Dyer's actions at Jallianwaala Baagh
622. The massacre at Jallianwaala
occurred as a result of a violation of a set of laws passed by the British Government in
India. What was the set of laws called and why were they passed ?
The Rowlatt Act - intended to combat revolutionary struggle for freedom
623. What was the original Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee (S.G.P.C.) and when did it originate ?
The Shiromani Gurdwara Prabhandak Committee was a statutory body
comprising elected representatives of the Sikhs concerned primarily with the
management of sacred Sikh Shrines under it's control within the terretorial
limits of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and the Union Territory of
Chandigarh. It originated with the Gurdwara Reform or Akali Movement of the
early 1920's.
624. When was the inaugural meeting of S.G.P.C. held ?
At the Akal Takht on December 20, 1920.
625. Who was elected as the first president of S.G.P.C. ?
Sardar Sundar Singh Majithia
626. Who was elected the new president of the S.G.P.C. in 1921 ?
Baba Kharak Singh
627. When the Golden Temple, the Akal Takht and the adjoining Gurdwaras in Amritsar had passed into the control of the Akalis
in October 1920, who was the government-appointed Manager of the
Golden Temple ?
Sardar Sunder Singh Ramgarhia
628. When was Gurdwara Tarn Taran freed from the control of the priests ?
January 26, 1921.
629. Who were the first martyrs of the Gurdwara Reform Movement ?
Bhai Hazara Singh and Bhai Hukum Singh, who achieved martyrdom at
Gurdwara Tarn Taran.
630. What was the name of the Mahant who controlled Gurdwara Nanakana Sahib ?
Mahant Narain Dass.
631. When was Gurdwara Nankana Sahib freed from the control of Mahant Narain Dass ?
February 21, 1921.
632. Who had the possesion of the keys to the Toshakhana ?
The government-appointed Manager of the Golden Temple, Sardar Sunder
Singh Ramgarhia.
633. In the "Keys Affair", on what date were the keys returned to the S.G.P.C.
January 19, 1922
Who described the return of the keys to the Golden Temple treasury to
Baba Kharak Singh as the "first decisive battle won" ?
M.K. Gandhi.