595. When was the Khalsa College, Amritsar founded ?
The main work of the Khalsa Diwan was the foundation of the Khalsa
College, Amritsar, in 1892.
596. When did Professor Gurmukh Singh die ?
Professor Gurmukh Singh died in 1898.
597. When was the Chief Khalsa Diwan started ?
The Lahore Khalsa Diwan could not survive the incessant shocks of the
deaths of Sir Attar Singh (1896), Professor Gurmukh Singh (1898), and Bhai
Dit Singh (1901). It's place was taken by the Chief Khalsa Diwan, Amritsar,
that held it's first meeting on October 30, 1902. Bhai Arjun Singh was
elected President and Sardar Sunder Singh Majithia, the Secretary.
598. The inaugural prayer of the Chief Khalsa Diwan was offered by Babu Teja
Singh. How did he become a dissenter later
on ?
Babu Teja Singh founded a new association called the "Panch Khalsa Diwan",
which did much useful work in propagating the mission of Guru Gobind Singh,
but in the end floundered pitifully in trying to rearrange the text of Guru
Granth Saheb by excluding the compositions of the Bards (Bhattas) and
including those of the Tenth Guru.
599. When was the Anand Marriage Act passed ?
The Anand Marriage Act, legalising the Sikh form of marriage, was passed
in 1909.
600. When was the Kirpan exempted from the Arms Act ?
The Kirpan was exempted from the Arms Act (in India) in 1914.
601. When did the Sikhs organize a political body of their own ?
The Sikhs organized a political body of their own, called the "Sikh
League", and held it's first session at Amritsar, in 1919.
602. What was the name of this new phase of reform that began among the Sikhs
It was called the Akali Movement.
603. At Guru-ka-Baagh, what was the name of the British official who ordered
the merciless beating of non-violent, protesting Akalis ?
S.G.M. Beatty
604. At Guru-ka-Baagh, how many Akalis
ended up in the hospital as a result of the merciless beatings given by the
British ?
904 hospitalized
605. What was the name of the Udaasi Mahant who lodged the complaint that the Akalis were cutting timber from Gurdwara land ?
Sundar Das
606. When was the beating of Sikh volunteers stopped ?
September 13, 1922.
607. Why did the Sikh Sangat of Panja Saheb want to stop the train passing
through the Panja Saheb railway station ?
To feed the Akali prisoners from Guru-ka-Baagh, who had not been given
any food by the British authorities
608. Who were the two Sikhs who were crushed to death under the train at Panja Saheb ?
Partaap Singh and Karam Singh on October 31, 1922.
609. In the beginning of the twentieth
century, stringent laws were passed in British Columbia, Canada, to discourage the
immigration of Indians to Canada. Why were they passed and what were the
laws ?
The Canadians felt that the growing number of Indians would take over
their jobs in factories, mills, and lumber yards. It was these insecurities
which led British Columbia to pass the follwing laws to stop the so-called
"Brown Invasion":
610. When was the bill passed denying all Indians the right to vote ?
1907 A.D. They were prohibited to run for public office, serve on juries,
and were not permitted to become accountants, lawyers, or pharmacists.
611. When was the Khalsa Diwan Society established in Vancouver ?
In order to fight the unjust immigration laws, the Indians (mostly Sikhs)
organized the Khalsa Diwan Society in Vancouver in 1907 with branches in
other provinces.
612. What does 'Ghadr' mean ?
613. How did the Ghadr Movement get it's name ?
The word 'Ghadr' was the name given to the newspaper edited and published
for the Hindustani Association of the Pacific Coast which was founded at
Portland, USA, in 1912. The movement this Association gave rise to for
revolutionary activities in India also came to be known as the 'Ghadr