441. Why couldn't Bhai
Mani Singh pay the amount of Rs.5000 ?
Bhai Mani Singh hoped that he would be able to pay the sum out of the offerings
to be made by the Khalsa attending the fair. The Governor, however, tricked him
by sending a force under Diwan Lakhpat Rai to Amritsar on the day of the fair
and scaring the Sikhs away.
442. How was Bhai Mani
Singh martyred ?
His body was cut to pieces limb by limb.
443. Which famous Sikh
martyr was one of the 52 'Darbari kavis' (poets) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji ?
Bhai Mani Singh Ji
444. How many immediate
family members of Bhai Mani Singh got martyred for Sikh Panth ?
21 (Twenty One) : 11 brothers and 10 sons.
445. As a result of the
renewed persecutions, where did the Sikhs retreat to ?
Most of the Sikhs left the plains and sought shelter in the Shivalik hills,
Lakhi Jungle and the sandy deserts of Rajputana.
446. In what year did
the Sikhs attack Nadir Shah on his way back to Persia and relieved him of much
of his booty ?
1739 A.D.
447. What was Nadir
Shah's prophecy about Sikhs ?
Nadir Shah told Zakhriya Khan that "The time is not far when these people
(Sikhs) would raise their heads and become the rulers of this country."
448. What were the
rewards offered by Zakhrya Khan for the capture and destruction of Sikhs ?
Ten Rupees paid to anyone giving information which lead to the arrest of a Sikh.
Fifty Rupees paid to anyone bringing the head of a Sikh.
What was Massa Ranghar known to have
done during the persecution of the Sikhs in Zakhriya Khan's period ?
Brought in cartloads of heads of Sikhs
450. What did Massa
Ranghar do when he was appointed the chief of Amritsar by the Mughal governor ?
He held charge of Golden Temple and banned Sikhs from visiting it. He had turned
the holy precincts into a stable and the inmost sanctuary into a nautchhouse
where he used to smoke and drink and enjoy dance of public women. He also
started abusing Hindus and Sikhs of Amritsar.
451. Who were the two
Sikhs who killed Massa Ranghar ?
Bhai Mehtab Singh and Bhai Sukha Singh
452. How did they kill
Massa Ranghar ?
In August 1740, they reached Amritsar. Disguising themselves as Mohammedans and
filling two bags with well rounded brick-bats, they entered the precincts of the
temple under the pretext of paying their land-revenue. While Sukha singh watched
the entrance, Mehtab Singh fell on the tyrant like lightening and cut off his
453. Where did Mehtab
Singh and Sukha Singh take the head of Massa Ranghar ?
Budha Jorh in Deserts of Rajasthan.
454. How was Mehtab
Singh martyred ?
Publicly broken on the wheel.
455. What was the name
of the road that Bhai Bota Singh and Bhai Gurja Singh blocked and charged tolls
to travellers using it?
Grand Trunk Road near Sarai Nurdin
456. What were the
tolls charged by Bota Singh and Garja Singh ?
One Anna (6.25 Paise) per cart and one Paisa per donkey-load.
457. What was the fate
of Bota Singh and Garja Singh ?
Since no one reported them to the Mughals and paid their tolls without
complaining, Bota Singh himself wrote to the Governor of Lahore announcing
himself and the tax he was levying on travellers. Zakhriya Khan sent a
detachment of 100 horses to arrest him. Bota Singh and Garja Singh refused to
surrender and died fighting.
458. When did Bhai Taru
Singh achieve martyrdom ?
June, 1745 A.D.
459. Why and how was he
martyred ?
He cultivated fields and whatever was produced, he offered to his Sikh brethren
in exile. This was considered treason and he was reported by Harbhagat of
Jandiala and executed. His hair was scrapped of his scalp.