421. How was Banda Singh Bahadur executed
His eyes were first removed
by the point of a butcher's knife. His left foot and then his two hands were
severed from the body. His flesh was then torn with red-hot pincers, and
finally he was decapitated and hacked to pieces limb by limb.
422. What is meant by 'Chardi Kala' ?
Exalted Spirit
423. Who were the Bandeis ?
A division of Sikhs that
apotheosized Banda Singh Bahadur and believed that he had inherited the
succession of Guruship from Guru Gobind Singh Ji. They claimed that they
should have an equal share in the management of the Gurdwaras and other
affairs of the Panth.
424. What was the group of staunch
followers of Guru Gobind Singh Ji called ?
'Tat Khalsa' as
distinguished from the followers of other denominations who held that the
personal Guruship had not been abolished by Guru Gobind Singh, and that
their allegiance was still due to their respective preceptors.
425. What were 'Gurmatas' ?
In practice, the Sikh
congregation (Sangat) would sit together, with the Holy Granth in their
midst, and deliberating over questions of common interest would give their
decisions in the form of resolutions, called 'Gurmatas'. All Sikhs were
expected to receive them as decisions of the Guru and any attempt made to
contravene them was looked upon as an act of sacrilege. Such meetings of the
whole people, called the 'Sarbat Khalsa', were to be held twice a year, on
the occasion of Diwali (October) and Vaisakhi (April).
426. Whom did Mata Sundri in Delhi send
to Amritsar to resolve the dispute between the Bandeis and Tat Khalsa ?
Bhai Mani Singh and Kirpal
Singh. Bhai Mani Singh was appointed Granthi (Head Priest) of Harmandir
Sahib (Golden Temple), Amritsar in 1721.
427. When was Zakhrya Khan appointed as
Governor of Lahore ?
Zakhrya Khan, also known as
'Khan Bahadur', was appointed Governor of Lahore in 1726 A.D. when his
father, Abdus Samad Khan was transferred to Multan.
428. How many men did Tara Singh Vaan
have with him to face the Mughal army sent by Zakhrya Khan ?
22 men. All got martyred
fighting the Mughal army in 1726 A.D.
429. In what year was the title of 'Nawab'
and a 'Jagir' presented to the Sikhs by the Mughal authorities ?
1733 A.D.
430. What was the name of the Sikh
Government Contractor who was entrusted with the task of negotiation of the
Nawabship and Jagir by Zakhrya Khan ?
Subeg Singh. He was allowed
to sit among the Khalsa assembly at Akal Takht, Amritsar, only after he had
gone through the ceremony of exculpation, called 'tankhah', for having been
a co-operator with the government.
431. Who was given the title of Nawab ?
Kapur Singh of Faizullapur
432. On what conditions did Kapur Singh
accept Nawabship, when a Jagir was offered to the Sikhs by the Lahore
Governor in an attempt to buy peace with the Sikhs ?
Under the conditions that
(1) he should be permitted to continue to serve in Guru-ka-langar and (2) to
look after the horses and (3) that five Sikhs should touch with sacred feet
the Royal Command, both in order to reject it with contempt and also to
sanctify it for acceptance
433. What were the two divisions of the
Dal Khalsa ?
Buddha Dal (the army of the
veterans) and Taruna Dal (the army of the young). The Buddha Dal was
entrusted with the task of looking after the holy places, preaching the
Gurus word and inducting converts into the Khalsa Panth by holding Baptismal
ceremonies. The Taruna Dal was the more active division and its function was
to fight in times of emergencies.
434. Who led the Buddha Dal ?
Nawab Kapoor Singh
435. Who was the head of the Taruna Dal,
stationed at Amritsar ?
Charat Singh Sukarchakia
436. Who supervised both the Budha Dal
and Taruna Dal ?
Nawab Kapur Singh
437. Name the 15 year old boy who was
beheaded in 1734 for using disrespectful language for Fatima, the daughter of
Prophet Mohammed.
Haqiqat Rai
438. When did Diwan Darbara Singh die ?
July, 1734 A.D.
439. When was the Jagir presented to the
Sikhs confiscated ?
1735 A.D.
440. When did Bhai Mani Singh apply to
the Governor of Lahore for permission to hold the Diwali festival in the
temple of Amritsar ? What was the condition of the permission ?
1738 A.D. Bhai Mani Singh
was to pay Rs.5000 after the fair, which was to last 10 days.